What people are saying about "Shill Jar"
Shill Jar
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over 6 years ago
I have a lot of fun with Horus Heresy: Legions. And its pretty balanced.
over 6 years ago
sad, anyways Jo I think you may be biased calling TES generic, but if you want a better (although rough) experience I recommend trying out Morrowind.
over 6 years ago
Friendliness, as I was managed to build a decent enough deck that wasn't aggro only a mere 2 months after playing (It was a Tempo/Control hybrid) and reminds me of TF2 in a way where it has a lot of potential for being great, but it's not being used properly like TF2 which kind of makes me PART 2
over 6 years ago
As a Legends player the summary is pretty accurate, but the flop part isn't. The client sucks ass, but has been updated so frequent recently since the new client can pump out updates much faster without having any dowmtime. That being said I believe that legends should take the cake for F2P part 1
over 6 years ago
Review duel links lol
over 6 years ago
here's hoping the codes are usable
over 6 years ago
@Jo Pereira: sent you a facebook pm just now
over 6 years ago
@Daniel Roel: just sent it.
over 6 years ago
@Aigars Mahinovs: you know its cute that you think mtga is not not expensive and that the gold is enough to get by on here the problem the intro decks are trash the gold is not enough to get players the packs they need to stand a chance in constructed.
over 6 years ago
@Aigars Mahinovs: >begginer decks


the amount of gold you get from quests is ridiculously small

In eternal you can draft like once every day or two, depending on your draft results, just from do the quests
over 6 years ago
MTG:Arena is not expensive at all - you can play for free and get a bunch of decent beginner decks in less than a week of hour-per-day free play. And those decks have a good number of rares and commons to craft your own decks with. Plus gold from dailies gives you 1-2 drafts per week, which is a LOT
over 6 years ago
@Nicolás Gallardo Hantke: oh! me! me!
over 6 years ago
@Nicolás Gallardo Hantke: I would like a code if you don't mind. Could you send it to danroe@witty.com?
over 6 years ago
I'm playing F2P Arena, and currently own a few decks decently done.
There's a free code "PlayRavnica" that gives 3 packs for free.
Also, By December they expect a Friend-list available for 1v1 games.

I also got a couple Pre-release codes if anyone wants. Allegedly they last until next year.
over 6 years ago
Card games? booooring. If I were to play a table game on the PC, that will be without doubt chess. Most cards games are not exactly what you did call a "strategy" game, but chess is like the ancient version of RTS.
over 6 years ago
IMO, the competitiveness of a game depends on the number of players and tournaments more than anything else, not on how "balanced" or "complex" the rule set is. So, you want to avoid meta/cancer decks, play a game with less players. If you want to be competitive, play a game with more players.
over 6 years ago
What about Faeria, Jo? It's moe as hell, I thought you played it.
over 6 years ago
I don't know anything about the other games, but Hearthstone is anything but cheap outside of arena mode.

It's kind of odd that you left out Shadowverse, which is similar to hearthstone and significantly cheaper. It also lacks the 'Hearthstone RNG™' and is anime as fuck.
over 6 years ago
No mention of Eternal, the best option out of all of them?

No Shadowverse either?
over 6 years ago
There is a fucking video add right over the comic in the comment page. wtf is this shit.
over 6 years ago
Best option, hands down, if you're looking for the affordable experience; Shadowverse. I have played it on and off for some years, and I usually just start a new account, dust the free cards and build a meta deck. It's the only game where I feel you can truly be 100% f2p and competitive.
over 6 years ago
no love for Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links?
over 6 years ago
Arena isn't that expensive. If anything their free handouts are more frequent than Hearthstone, they're just dependent on you winning semi-consistently and using a wide variety of decks. It's Magic ONLINE that's expensive, that one makes you pay upfront.
over 6 years ago
try play krosmaga,it is a great f2p card game.it is something like hearthstone except that the minions walk some cells in the end of each turn,your opponent has 5 eggs 2 real 2 fake and you need to destroy 2 of the real ones to win.
over 6 years ago
No love for Eternal?
over 6 years ago
Hey Jo, in the most recent developer update for MTG: Arena, they announced that challenging your friends is currently underway and is estimated to be added around November. Just wanted to let you know.