What people are saying about "Complete Edition"
Complete Edition
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over 6 years ago
1- Cut features in a "complete" edition are scummy.
2- Fuck Google login. Not working for MONTHS now.
over 6 years ago
Can't login via Google.

Anyway, the features that's missing are the map editor and the friends list stuff, and I NEVER used those in 200 hours of Disgaea 5 Switch. You're not missing anything.

The user made late game grind maps are only on the PS4.
over 6 years ago
Huh, funny seeing a comic about Disgaea. I've been grinding Disgaea 3 slowly for the last 3 or 4 weeks now (I only play through a Disgaea game every 5 years or so since about a decade ago) but haven't had anybody at all to talk to about it.
Didn't even know there was a Disgaea 5.
over 6 years ago
The real story is a little bit deeper than that, too. Part of the issues was that apparently they didn't tell people about the missing features until a day or so *after* launch. And told people to just use steam refunds.. you find out they're gone waaay after 2 hours

Dodgy practice that
over 6 years ago
For those that don't know why this is a big deal with the network features being disabled, is some of the late game grind is made more enjoyable by playing player made maps. Without them the game its self offers little in the way of top tier content.
over 6 years ago
I don't see what the big deal is with the networking features and map editor.
over 6 years ago
telling the player that if they truly want 100% just buy it on another console instead is kind of shitty.
over 6 years ago
Disgaea 5 on Steam, you say? That's actually quite nice to know, means there's an option even when they needlessly make the console redundant.

Now if only they'd do the same for Disgaea D2, the only other game in the series with the Disgaea trio where they should be, as the stories protagonists.