What people are saying about "Fallout 76"
Fallout 76
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over 6 years ago
Elder Scrolls games ugly? That's sure not how I remember them. Morrowind was visually STUNNING when it released. Oblivion and Skyrim were very pleasant for the eye as well. Those games might've been BUGGY but surely not bad looking.
over 6 years ago
I have a feeling they sacrificed graphics for the huge size of the map.
over 6 years ago
lots of apologist about gameplay vs graphic and i dont understand why. Its not like having a decent engine with nice graphic/art direction is mutually exclusive to good gameplay...Bethesday games as of late just look dated.
over 6 years ago
You know what? FSCK graphics.

This is why I don't bother with the Xbox or Playstation lines of consoles anymore. All they care about is looking as pretty as possible. Sure, I guess it's *nice*, but after a certain point graphics start taking dev time from *the actual game*.
over 6 years ago
Soo, a PubG mode in an expansion in a couple years?
over 6 years ago
@Paul Richeson: A. Its a shitty cashgrab that not a single long time Diablo fan wanted. B. Blizzard didnt give fans any consolation by even give any hints on mainline Diablo projects. Just said, yea, here's your mobile game now @%&# off. C. Its been confirmed a reskin of another game
over 6 years ago
@Derrick Manning: Diablo what? *looks around* What's the problem? This looks alright. A bit redundant with the Switch port of III coming out, but alright. And if it has tablet keyboard support than that means Diablo is coming to ChromeOS, which is nice.
over 6 years ago
it would also help because I think I may be someones mortal enemy, which in my defense, he stole the base I wanted to make my own, so I kept coming back to fight him
over 6 years ago
One thing I wish for was a truce emote or a messaging system, maybe then I wouldn't have been killed (granted I then immediately killed another guy for a bounty but that's because my death pissed me off)
over 6 years ago
I actually loved my fallout 76 beta experience, the people I where with where real people and that felt cool, they didn't know whether or not to trust you, they went after you if you had a bounty (despite the fact I was helping them in an event >:( )
over 6 years ago
If its a multiplayer entry in a singleplayer franchise, it is garbage to me.
over 6 years ago
...make the control scheme totally backwards and unintuitive. Story seemed good but not exactly that engaging. But every time I read reviews they all say the same thing: it looked *beautiful*. I know, I know, one example out of countless others but it's the only one that I immediately thought of.
over 6 years ago
To add to that note: I've found that most games that have been acclaimed for quality graphics (I kinda have to take their word for it, given my previous comment), lack in other areas to the point of frustration. 'Too Human' seemed like it was going to be interesting but they decided to.../1
over 6 years ago
You're killin' me, Jo! Google+ login still FUBAR. Anyway, moving on, I am accustomed to playing all variety of games on lowest possible settings, mostly for the purposes of actually being able to FUNCTION and not move at single-digit FPS. I also can't really tell the difference most of the time.
over 6 years ago
does nobody realize how Long it take's for game's to be made? Graphic's don't matter because it's being developed to Be graphically intensive. If it Was, you'd be waiting 5-10 More year's for them to build a new graphic's engine from the Ground Up.
over 6 years ago
gameplay can hold up. graphics never do.
over 6 years ago
I would rather have a company focus on putting in gameplay and content over making the game look as pretty as possible, when everyone will just say it looks dated not even a year later.
over 6 years ago
Complaining about graphics? shame on you Jo. Maybe the graphics don't look top of the line because the game actually has content. It's always seemed like the games with the prettiest graphics often don't have a lot of content.
over 6 years ago
I respect your opinion Jo, but I can't help but think of this https://imgur.com/a/0sUVnlZ image when someone says graphics don't matter, and thought I'd share it since it's pretty funny, I personally prefer the experience over the look though.
over 6 years ago
It’s good buuuut........

over 6 years ago
and yes, still better than Diablo Immortal (2)
over 6 years ago
Still better than Diablo Immortal
over 6 years ago
@Russell Martin: And possibly terrible artists in-house.
over 6 years ago
Actually, Fallout3 was based on the same graphics engine as Oblivion. Fallout76 is based on the same engine as Fallout4, an updated version of the one used in Skyrim, and that engine is capable of looking very pretty. The limitations on the engine are due to the console architecture, not the engine.
over 6 years ago
My point about game art is more about the quality of the art than number of polygons. You can have ugly games with latest graphics and you can have beautiful games in old 2D sprites.
over 6 years ago
Games are a visual medium and I'm an artist who likes pretty things.

If they want my money they better appeal to my tastes.

But good for you if you like it the way it is.
over 6 years ago
I don't get why graphics is SO IMPORTANT to some people.
"It looks like it came from an Xbox 360."
Yea, and do you know how many fun games that are still praised that came out on that system? If a game is fun, why is it important on how pretty it is?