What people are saying about "Immortal"
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over 6 years ago
To the Korean dude below: I don't like Korean because they beat my ass in game but I liked that you know your shit when it come to game.
over 6 years ago
As a Korean who has been seasoned with this mobile shit, I say, well it is their choice if they want to burn their franchise for a quick buck.
over 6 years ago
I think Blizz doesn't realy got anything to say here. I presume it's more the pressure from Activision, who focus on profit. And now that China and India are the 10% people (of the 90% profit), and knowing they are more mobile phone users, instead of PC users.
over 6 years ago
@Ellis Warner: Blizzard thought announcing a mobile Diablo game at Blizzcon wouldn't result in people being somewhat miffed, despite a heavily PC lean to both Diablo and their games in general.

They were mistaken. Especially when it comes out the devs are known for pay to win mobile games.
over 6 years ago
While I'm guessing this is about a game, this comic works well as a internet joke. In panel 1, we have a person who's made some questionable decisions online, but thinks they've hidden them. Then in panel 2, comes the realization that nothing dies on the internet, your nudes and are always out there
over 6 years ago
Saw that coming. Blizz ain't what they used to be anymore. Cash grab, just that.
over 6 years ago
I put the blame solely on Blizzard's choice to let NetEase in on the development instead of doing it all themselves.
over 6 years ago
this is just too hilarious.