What people are saying about "WU = FU"
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over 6 years ago
@Vode An: Looking at the deck, my guess it's more like the justicar control priest that has 0 win conditions.
over 6 years ago
There is a Manga called Wizard's Soul based on a Magic-like ccg where the protagonist is an incredible player who doesn't like to play because she's a specialist of b/u control deck and no one had fun playing with her XD
over 6 years ago
@Alvaro Junior: worse u/w teferi has no creatures it wins on milling yet has no mill cards. it just keep its owner from milling by constantly folding teferi back into the deck so that they cannot mill out. is ether your blitz it with aggro or concede because it takes 50 to win.
over 6 years ago
It's not the counterspells, it's not the extra turns, nor the constant wrath; it's the horrible fact that the deck wins by exiling everything you do, and plays attrition until you mill out your deck.
over 6 years ago
@Alvaro Junior: Both decks have one thing in common, Islands!
Blue is the "obsessive control" color, when you pair it with other colors it usually gets repetitive in not letting your opponents play
over 6 years ago
Is that MTG version of Jade druid or what?
over 6 years ago
I haven't played MtG in a long time, yet even I can understand why that person has earned their beating.
over 6 years ago
I used to play magic, but I got tired of updating so I went commander. too bad emerakul was a permaban card. but I love my sliver commander deck. especailly with Amoeboid Changeling, blazing archon, and Crystalline Sliver.
over 6 years ago
Awesome to see you going more MTG content, Jo. Keep it up!
over 6 years ago
As someone that don't play Magic, is that deck worse than this one? http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1970
over 6 years ago
Teferi's Moat was my favourite multi-coloured card for years when I first got truly INTO Magic. Pity it was too slow back then and being overrun with everything from goblins ("self-destruct" mechanics), elves (Naturalize and Co.), and angels (they fly, duh) was too commonplace to make much of it.
over 6 years ago
Once knew a guy at FNM who played a mill deck. He was kind of an ass. One day his opponent was a young kid, with a deck of over 200 cards. He lost, threw a tantrum over it, and I believe was banned from the store. Fun night.
over 6 years ago
'Punk runs playsets of Waterknot AND Luminus Bonds.' *BLAM*
over 6 years ago
This is actually the worse deck to play against in arena right now, but MTG standard has this thing called rotation that will make Tefferi go away xD
As soon as he's out, I believe Wizards will have some compensation for Azorius (UW), but I think it won't be this strong/annoying
over 6 years ago
this should become a meme
over 6 years ago
@Daniel Jenovah: its really not that scary of a deck duress carnage and mizzet exist. also uw teferi weakness is the no win con ie run a carnage or a mizzet and boom they have nothing to stop you if you can play it.
over 6 years ago
Mono Blue tempo is very popular because it's low cost. But blue in anyform is suck, be it blue white, blue red you name it. Chris Kluwe pro footballer and an avid magic fan once said the blue is a horrible color for horrible people, before mindbreak day[9] with chain of control spell
over 6 years ago
You think White-Blue control sucks, you should look at stasis. THAT shit is obnoxious.
over 6 years ago
I play white-blue control deck... and you can't hit me with the pillow fort I made
over 6 years ago
If you have not seen Gabriel Nassif's mono blue tempo deck, count your lucky stars.
