What people are saying about "Loremaster"
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over 6 years ago
is that a YAFGC reference?
over 6 years ago
I don't like a ot of the retcons (yes, I'm a very old person and no, I don't like changes), but at least they are trying to keep their lore
over 6 years ago
Blizz from the 90's didn't have much lore about them, they had lots of stories in game but there weren't any concern about the connection between them
This started changing a lot after they started publishing material
From then they retconned a lot the early games, but now they have consistency
over 6 years ago
Good example of Lorelols with Blizzard.

Originally Inarius, as written in the original Diablo manual, was simply an angel who grew too vain and attacked a temple of Mephisto, eventually tortured into the template for the Overlord demons. Sin War novels AFTER Diablo 2 retconned the World Stone
over 6 years ago
@Jan Jurčeka:
TF2 was never supposed to have lore though. The only reason it started to get some was to give some context to updates and events. If you expect deep lore from a team based multiplayer shooter of all things then I'm afraid you are never going to be satisfied with gaming as a hobby.
over 6 years ago
I like to think that the developers get their lore masters by searching their forums for the guy whose every post starts with "Well, actually..."
over 6 years ago
Entirely depends on the developer IMHO. I would go so far as to say it's a main factor in finding out which dev actually cares about it's game and which is just in it for corporate moneywhoring.
over 6 years ago
I believe (read in some interview or something?) that WoW team does actually have designated lore keepers that other devs can consult.
over 6 years ago
Panel 1: The Elder Scrolls.
Panel 2: League of Legends
over 6 years ago
Lore Second. Money First say Korean MMORPG
over 6 years ago
@Jan Jurčeka: Ah yes, the long family tradition of hat makers
over 6 years ago
Should have chose the TF2 lore. Seriously what is going on anymore?