What people are saying about "Amateur Hour"
Amateur Hour
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over 6 years ago
Lord of the Rings peeks her head out from the entrance tunnel. "Sorry I'm late, I'm still in Early Access... but I'm based off a beloved game that came out in 2011, so I have plenty of content to pull from eventually.

...Oh, and I'm PvE-based, and no random boosters."

The crowd goes wild.
over 6 years ago
Calling it now, little Gwent is the winner of this. Next up is Magic getting tomato'd somehow, leaving the little one that could as the last girl, er game, standing.
over 6 years ago
Um... Why Hearthstone bikini is different?
over 6 years ago
The only Mech series I can recommend is Armored Core. This summer it was teased we might get a new one but it’s been a total mystery for 5 years whether that’ll be the case.
over 6 years ago
Maybe BattleTech ?
over 6 years ago
Crossout isn't available in Brazil.
over 6 years ago
If you manage to clear they board they can play Journey to Sovngarde (7 cost shuffle creatures in your discard pile back into your deck give them +5/+5 which means the get even more value) since that deck also plays repetitively it's just as annoying
over 6 years ago
Summon a two cost creature or less from you deck) the problem here is that summon abilities trigger when they play, and since Telvanni has the best 2 drops in the game they can just outvalue you and win after they summon 8 creatures cycle their deck to a second consription, and if you manage:part 2:
over 6 years ago
Tge way people react to Druid reminds me of how people are reacting to Telvanni (Elder Scrolls Legends) while Druid is repetitive, and moderately annoying Telvanni has the ability to run the best early game decent mid game, and enough cycle to play Conscription(11 cost summon a 1 copy a 2 or:part 1:
over 6 years ago
we do more than claim mine jo! ... like uh, moral of the story?
over 6 years ago
I suggest Crossout since it feels like a free2play multiplayer Besiege. You know fighting your own warmachine versus other people's cars/tanks/walkers?
over 6 years ago
if you find a game with robots please make a comic where angie is interested in the inside of the robots,it has been a long time ever since the last time where you made such a joke.
over 6 years ago
To be fair, the problem isn't the balance of Druid. They're currently only the class with the 4th highest winrate coming in at just under 50%. The problem is that all of Druid's viable decks play basically the same way so it feels repetitive.