What people are saying about "Discount"
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Dr. Sakuya
almost 15 years ago
Dammit Omega.
about 15 years ago
Play Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

But you have to get the community patch to get rid of a lot of bugs.
about 15 years ago
Try out the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, play them vanilla first then try out the overhaul mods. The STALKER games are awesome.
about 15 years ago
This happened to me too. I gave every shop my endorsement. So if you happen to go to more than one shop on floors 27 and/or 28 on the Citadel, you may notice something fishy.

I hope that bites me in the ass in ME3. :)
about 15 years ago
Oh and heavy rain is out soon!
about 15 years ago
big fan of your stuff, keep it up! also am I the only one who hates Zaeed and think that they could have made any other DLC member and it would have been awesome?! Example a Hanar or Elcor teammate?!
about 15 years ago
This wouldn't have anything to do with Krogan genitalia would it?
about 15 years ago
It seems Shepard got some equipment upgrades. Shame they took the inventory option away, I'm sure many people would love to see the new specs...
about 15 years ago
every store on the citadel is my favorite

the store owners are all confused
about 15 years ago

Morlan is in the back taking...inventory =P
about 15 years ago
Wait... Shouldnt that be a Salarian? I mean the in game spam is from Morlan right? But i do want many good supplies....
about 15 years ago
For those saying that it should be "You're" instead of "your" he is referencing the SPAM mail you get in the game with the title "YOUR 2 SMALL"
about 15 years ago
I think this a a great comic, this is funny! Maybe you should do a Bioshock comic
about 15 years ago
Demon's Souls might be your cure. It's not like newer games that tend to be "cinematics" with button mashing action. Google it up and see for yourself.
about 15 years ago
Play Global Agenda! You've recently made a comic about it so you know it and you know it well. If you want something like TF2 but not TF2 itself, then this is a great choice!
about 15 years ago
But she got the discount, right? ;)
about 15 years ago
Myself, still not done with ME2, messed up my playthrough so starting over again. (Too much faffing about instead of mission focus, end game too terrible to finish) After that, need to go through with female Shepard, Bioshock 2 will be out by then so no worries on new games to play.
about 15 years ago
Hey, can you do a comic about AAI when it comes out?
about 15 years ago
If you say that about a bunch of different stores in the citadel, do you get in trouble or something?
Ran Iji
about 15 years ago
Demon's Souls.
Bad Company 2 Beta. [Game is out in a month.]
Bio Shock 2. [Few days]
White Knight Chronicles.
about 15 years ago
S.t.a.l.k.e.r: Call of the pripyat just came out if you're into FPS/RPGs
about 15 years ago
play old game /thread
about 15 years ago
Have you given Demon's Souls a try? Very challenging and unforgiving game with plenty of depth, I got the impression that you'll like it. But it has to be said that while a lot of people use the difficulty as a sales point the game is actually very well designed in terms of both gameplay and levels.
Ran Iji
about 15 years ago
She's a Consort; I swear!
about 15 years ago
New game, new game... well... Wow got their ICC up and running and you may defeat Arthas... ok maybe not...
Ah! The new phoenix wright! wait... that's in two weeks... and it's with edgeworth...
Guess there's bioshock 2! Go author!
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23016]@Froggy[/url]: I know what you mean man. After the final fight and now with a stronger crew you feel like there should've been more to do. Bio's gotta make a ME 3 otherwise I'mma form a mob. D:<
about 15 years ago
Well, people did want a comic with Tali in it... Though I like it when you take Tali on the Citadel to talk to the Quarian who's getting hassled. For best results, take Garrus and Tali when encountering and questioning them. :D
about 15 years ago
I used the nuke launcher on endgame lol. Anyone noticed the voice of male shepard is super weak compared to female shepard who actually put EFFORT into it?
about 15 years ago
I was feeling lost as well after finishing ME2... Tried several things before I found the cure: replaying Freespace 1/2. I wanted more sci-fi space opera but with less RPG and more adrenaline. Freespace was just what the doctor ordered. ^_^
about 15 years ago
One way of getting a free game; look over ModDB's recent 2009 awards and see if you missed anything good. If you own UT04, you can play the singleplayer zombie game Out of Hell, for instance.

Then again, there are enough recent releases that if you have money to burn you may want else...
about 15 years ago
How about No More Heroes 2?

It's short and sweet, probably hold you over 'til whatever's on the horizon. :D
The Red Knight Of Generic Justice
about 15 years ago
A new game? Well, in 6 days, Bioshock 2 is comming out.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22995]@Haha[/url]: I used everybody depending of the mission. Hunt and kill? Jack + Grunt. Human business? Jacob and Miranda. Playing space cop? Garrus and Samara. Geth or Collectors? Tali and Mordin on that order.
about 15 years ago
Tali and Mordin are who I use too.
about 15 years ago
I don't get it...flame on?