What people are saying about "Renegade Skincare"
Renegade Skincare
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about 13 years ago
I went Paragon and got the skin treatment. Ain't even mad.
about 15 years ago
Who needs Rachni at the end of the third game when you have a giant *mfffmmmfmfffmfmf* from the part where you *muffffmfmffmmm*
about 15 years ago
Huh, I was wondering why my face looked a little scarred. Now I know it was because i made a few Gade choices in ME 1. I can only imagine what someone full Gade looked like. xD
about 15 years ago
Heh, ironic what kinds of google ads are popping up with this strip.
about 15 years ago
Considering i keep going paragon with only a little bit of renegade mixed in i wonder what the consiquences will be now that i pissed off Cerberus. Hopefully the rachni will make up for it
about 15 years ago
So Shepard now has herpes? That's what you get for dating a tsundere psychopath!
about 15 years ago
I wouldn't say, "Easier" as with most Bioware games the small choices don't really amount to much unless you want a jerk. The big ones, sacrificing the council, exterminating the Rachni give plenty of renegade points. I just wish they'd make more interesting female characters, two games no romance
about 15 years ago
So, is it 'easier' to be a renegade in this one? It seems like, with all these bioware games, the only way to be a renegade or evil or whatnot is to be a complete dickhead and skip out on any mission beneficial to anybody but yourself.
about 15 years ago
@Platypus. Yeah its happened to me more than a few times. It seems to happen with places that you can take cover behind mainly.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23160]@Lobster[/url]: LoL. Should i do *SPOILER ALERT*? :>
about 15 years ago
Hey Lobster, this is a webcomic about video games. Common sense should be saying to expect spoilers to some degree.
about 15 years ago
Hey Coverop, cool story guy, I love spoilers all in caps.
about 15 years ago

Yeah, happens ALL THE TIME. It's annoying, ruined about 10 missions.
about 15 years ago
being a renegade is being badass, you don't need to destroy the universe to be a full renegade imo.
about 15 years ago
In game it has to do with the implants Shep has, like when your skin would crack up and get nasty for being Sith in KotOR.

Has anyone else with the PC version been teleporting onto walls and ceiling rafters? I've ended up 'clipping' into some odd spots... and getting stuck there.
about 15 years ago
I don't get this one..

Also, make more TF2 comics man :(
about 15 years ago
"Renegade options are fun, but they aren't without disadvantages...."

Even so, you dont HAVE to kill the queen, since Renegade and Paragon is not a sliding scale between "EVULZ >:)" and "G00DS =D". Best part of mass effect imo.
Random Lurker
about 15 years ago
I assume this means she chose "POP IT!" Usually doesn't that make those things go away, not spread? Unless they really are super-intelligent space zits acting in self-defense...
Just lookin for the humor
about 15 years ago
Doesn't seem to be here.
I hope you get done with ME2 soon. I think the comics will benefit greatly once you do.
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
S you can charm or intimidate super inteligent space zits?
about 15 years ago
It didn't switch sides. Panel 2 is a mirror.
about 15 years ago
Well, ME2 really pushes you to go down the Renegade path now and then in extreme cases. Archangel's loyalty quest is probably the most obvious example of the game basically saying "you can go down the Renegade path but still be meting out justice."
RED Engineer
about 15 years ago
Zits sapping my Shepard!
about 15 years ago
Actually, you need a little renegade, adds spice considering pure Paragon is a little boring. ME1: Paragon through, let council die at end. ME2: Paragon again, saved everyone but, *spoiler* and used the radiation pulse to *spoiler* so Cerberus gets *spoiler* in ME3.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23124]@iSpycheck[/url]: Yes... replacement ordered but still not here. I am not amused.
I Keel You!
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23119]@Anon[/url]: It's in a mirror so the zit is on the right side of her face...
about 15 years ago
Um, tablet still broken Jo?
Holy shit
about 15 years ago
The only original post what Chozo's... the rest were all cheesy references...
about 15 years ago
Just like you, huh, Blu Spy?
about 15 years ago
I believe Shepard is looking in a mirror. So the space zit was never really on that side!
about 15 years ago
So in space zits switch sides on your face?
Kowl Slaw
about 15 years ago
Ahhhhhh! Smoker!
about 15 years ago
Moral choices aren't plain black and white... they are red and blue