What people are saying about "Terminal"
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almost 6 years ago
additions and changes they had been working on

almost 6 years ago
Not just the complete ending of HotS Esports, but the dev team got cut too. Hopefully we'll see what's left of them soon. But with trying to parse the corporate speak in the letter, it could be everyone that wasn't specificly part of Esports, or just enough people to push out the remaining

almost 6 years ago
I wonder whether this (cutting costs) was what caused Mike Morheime to resign?
almost 6 years ago
Spoiler Season for Ravnica Allegiance started, the first revealed cards look pretty cool!
almost 6 years ago
Things went really fast downhill for Blizzard since Diablo Immortal showed its ugly UGLY face. Coincidence?
almost 6 years ago
Considering that the demand from up top was "More sequels, more games". That sounds a awful lot like Activision's business model, not Blizzards. That's why this FEELS like an Activision decision. I fear the day we get yearly "Brand New" games to series like Overwatch ala Call of Duty.
almost 6 years ago
Welp, that's another sign that Blizzard has been infected with Activisionitis.
The cure? Excise Acti from Blizz. Otherwise, we may have to put Blizzard down. (Which sucks to me, since I'm two buses away from the main facility.)
almost 6 years ago
Honestly couldn't care less. Never cared about, nor liked, Esports. Games are supposed to be for having fun and stand on their own merits, if they only survive because of a money-making Esports stage, then it shouldn't exist and deserves to die out. Also, when will the G+ login be fixed?
almost 6 years ago
You know, I don't really get how Activision keeps getting all the crap for stuff like this. The Vevendi-Activision merger was just that, a Merger, not a buyout. Activision isn't the bad guy there, since it was a willing combination of both companies. Unlike, say, the EA purchase of Bioware.
almost 6 years ago
As much as companies need to rein in costs I think sometimes the bean counters can be a bit penny-wise & pound-foolish. As far as Activision, I rank them up there with EA as banes of the industry.
almost 6 years ago
First they implemented a broken system where the queue times of Quick Match quadrupled without any game quality change, and now they are cancelling the e-sport scene as well. They aren't treating their "love letter to Blizzard characters" very well, do they?
almost 6 years ago
I wish they hadn't changed the few characters I actually LIKED. I cut off all ties when they made long-range artillery turret siege heroes terrible (at least the ones I was familiar with at the time). I don't have the insane reactions needed to play a lot of the other hero archtypes.
almost 6 years ago
Peach and Mario?