What people are saying about "Nerfcoin"
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about 6 years ago
This is the reality I knew even as a kid when all my schoolmates played and collected their TCG's, from Pokemon to Digimon to Yugioh: I didn't get into it, because I realized from the get go, that even if I'd learn to master the obnoxiously complex rules and mechanics, I'd have to bankrupt my family
about 6 years ago
since smash bros came recently you could make a comic with victoire
about 6 years ago
I agree with jo, they just need to make it like dota
nontradable/shellable packs drop randomly and you can still buy normal packs
about 6 years ago
Anne is lookin' smart and sexy rockin' that anchorwoman look. :D
about 6 years ago
Yeah, I think we can trust this face. It's time to sell everything and buy Nerfcoins.
about 6 years ago
is this game really worth the hassle at this point? I find it hard to believe you can fail at making a Card Game in this day and age, and still be relevant. It's not exactly rocket science.