What people are saying about "Starfall"
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about 6 years ago
Happy Saturnalia and Sol Invictus. \[T]/
about 6 years ago
@Neven D Gregurec
I still play WC3 to this day, and I didn't get the joke. Maybe it's because I stopped playing Dota 2 long ago and can't remember what skills the heroes have. And possibly the fact that I only play Nelves in WC3 when I need a challenge or to spruce things up. Gibe WC3R plz...
about 6 years ago
Hahahahahah! This is hilarious! Now explain it to my friend that didnt get it.
about 6 years ago
Woo, a DOTA2 comic? It really feels like Christmas now!
about 6 years ago
Ahhh! I've always liked the silent comics, I'm glad to see gold borders back, even if you don't seem to like doing them, Jo!
about 6 years ago
You didn't forget the Classic Golden Border this time XD
about 6 years ago
Well Mirana herself shout Starfall
about 6 years ago
It's ok anyone that played Warcraft and Dota knows it
about 6 years ago
I just happened to play WC3 mod in SC2 yesterday. When for solo Priestess of the Moon. Starfall is a very fun ability to cast :) But there should be much more stars.

(Played only few games of Dota like 10 years ago)
about 6 years ago
I knew it as Starfall! But yeah, I only played DotA Allstars and not Dota 2 so I guess that may be a contention point.

Just to throw it out there, I like the silent comics a lot.