What people are saying about "Dat Renegade Action"
Dat Renegade Action
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about 14 years ago
dude no, shes mourning.

but yeah, who DIDNT hug tali?
over 14 years ago
I wish you could do that to Tali in the game.
about 15 years ago
I don't always go for the renegade actions, except when getting the drop on some scumbag merc that would most likely kill anyways, so it would be just quiker and fun. But yeah, I would TOTALLy go for this renegade move. XD
about 15 years ago
Man. Your Shepard looks just like mine. Same hair and color and everything.

'Cept mine went the Renegade path.
about 15 years ago
This is, exactly what i would do.
about 15 years ago
Crotch Crap ahoy
Connor Lonske
about 15 years ago
I also, idiotically, say that "don't" is meant to be done.
Connor Lonske
about 15 years ago
/v/ and /b/ are hell holes, but /v/ has games so I go there.

On topic, I probably would of don't that, I always like Tali that way.
/v/ lulz
about 15 years ago
Don't forget about raeg!
about 15 years ago
/v/ is just /b/ with video games.
about 15 years ago
I would go for that renegade option too with an ass like that :O
about 15 years ago
/b/ gives us a bad name. we're better than you fuckheads.
about 15 years ago
Just watched a walkthrough of this quest on Youtube. I guess it's good to see Tali show some emotion instead of being the dull stone she was in ME1. All the conversations with her were pretty much like talking to a VI.
about 15 years ago
i don't play this game... what does this mean?
about 15 years ago
Yeah, I went back a few saves and made a screenshot with both QTE, on PC you press LMB when a renegade icon appears on the left and RMB when a paragon icon appears on the right, didn't knew it was the other way around on the X360, controller thing I guess.

about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23299]@Aurum[/url], it differs between the PC and xbox 360 version
Not that I give a shit, but...
about 15 years ago
rules 1 and 2 only apply to raids, newfag.
about 15 years ago
rules 1 and 2 chanfags
about 15 years ago
I would grope Tali butt.
about 15 years ago
Yeah, the ME2 manual stated Paragon on left, renegade on right. (Yes, I actually read the manual. Don't you?!)
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23227]@Katana[/url]: The joke remains without that spoiler you just dished out. Even if you had only knew of the Par/Ren interrupts you'd understand the joke.
about 15 years ago
If only...
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
I distinctly remember that renegade is on the right (trigger) side and paragon on the left. So the comic is right.
about 15 years ago
so... can we get some garrus here now?

I'm very happy with this comic though ;)
about 15 years ago
... Okay, confession time. I play straight paragon, but if this were in the game it'd be an option I take all the time, alignment points be damned. Right up there with the "Krogan Diplomacy" option.

about 15 years ago
Yah, the Paragon/Renegade icons are on the wrong sides of the screen. God I wish that Renegade option was in the game.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23268]@DragonJTS[/url]: But Paragon's on left, even in the squad menu when you're looking at Shep. Unless it's kinda like what Nin10do did with Twilight Princess, Wii Link Right hand, GC Link Left hand.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23219]@GrimKiller46[/url]: Zomg! Only now I realised that this is from Dirty Harry. :D Awesome! "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
about 15 years ago
But paragon should be on the right and vice versa.
about 15 years ago
No wait, they're not... Gade is star, Gon is wing.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23256]@Fidon[/url]: Didn't notice till I read your comment. xD
about 15 years ago
Dat ass, etc.
about 15 years ago
Bow chicka bow wow.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23251]@PT[/url]: Negative. http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Romance#Mass_Effect_2
about 15 years ago
I want a DLC for that!

Also the Renegade/Paragon icons are on the wrong sides :|
about 15 years ago
I'd pay Bioware to get that Renegade option. I usually play all nice, but I wouldn't mine Renegade points for that.

I know there are lesbian romances in this game. Jack and Kelly are confirmed 9I think), I heard Tali is the third option?
about 15 years ago
:D I remember this scene with giving Tali a hug! I wish you had the Renegade version though ;p

I love how your mind works :)
about 15 years ago
4chan's just a "my first forum" for retards, perhaps those of you who lurk there will graduate from there. Eventually.
about 15 years ago
somebody called me? oh shit wtf is this faggotry!

FYI /v/ is for fags
about 15 years ago
Go away /v/. We don't like your /b/ig /b/rother, we don't like you either.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23231]@KBF[/url]: Righty o Ol' Boy!
about 15 years ago
There is little bonus when you finish ME 1 you can find somepeople which you meet them, and they will give you +PARAGON/RENEGADE.
I finished that game three times already (on easy diff, because i hate aimbots on INSANE , HARD). Good Comics Keep it up! <3 TALI
about 15 years ago
just a reminder that this comic is just as bad as tim buckley.
about 15 years ago
Oh snap ANONYNOUS thinks they have rights to jokes. Or thinks that they can make an original one. AHAHAHAHAHAlol.
Oh Crap
about 15 years ago
4chan is here
about 15 years ago
as usual, Jo steals jokes from us, adds chibi art, and thinks he is funny.
Lemure Zombie
about 15 years ago
Enkindle This!
about 15 years ago
While I get the joke in all of these, I sort of wonder if these are getting to be all sort of "in-jokes". For those who don't know, this is a part of the game where Tali (purple helmet) loses a close family member.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23199]@Allandaros[/url]: More like renegade is BLASTO, THE FIRST HANAR SPECTRE! "This one has forgotten if its heat sink is over capacity. It wonders whether the criminal scum considers itself fortunate." Aha. Also, you get scars if you're renegade, ZombiePlasticClock.
about 15 years ago
pretty sure it's more "paragon"(lawful)
about 15 years ago
If a renegade option did flash at that scene i must have missed it, if it didnt i wish it had. XD
about 15 years ago
so shep just snap tali neck and headbutted her?
about 15 years ago
Congrats on getting the new tablet! The comic looks better already!

This comic makes me want to get Mass Effect 2. I would do just about every renegade action I can possibly do without growing horns :D
about 15 years ago
In the game, during some scenes you can perform special "paragon" (good) actions or "renegade" (bad) actions.

Blue one is paragon, giving Tali a hug when she needs it... red is renegade, coppin' a feel :D
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23198]@4tran[/url]: The wing and star are the symbols for Paragon and Renegade, respectively, in Mass Effect (and presumably ME2). Paragon is Jean-Luc Picard, Renegade is Dirty Harry.
about 15 years ago
I assume those symbols mean something...
She wants to fly (wings)?
about 15 years ago
Coppin' a feel by proxy.
about 15 years ago
Haha, go for the gold Shepard :)