What people are saying about "Standards"
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about 6 years ago
Well, if photonotes still disabled, our destiny is revive it in comments. Hereby i claim precious places of Anne-Marie
about 6 years ago
I mean... the channels that have thumbnails like that usually are intended for a Kid Audience (or at least targeted at bringing in children, even if the content isn't something a child should watch), because that's what gets you the most cash on that Platform.
about 6 years ago
Anne looks like she's genuinely enjoying herself. Also, can't tell if that Angie shadow is just shadow, or "shadow" ;)
about 6 years ago
jo i have a question,does anne wear a revealing microskirt or you were trying to make her wear short pants but you didn't do good job at drawing them?
about 6 years ago
Standards? ... I'm sorry, what were you saying?
about 6 years ago
"Standards? Where we are going we don't need* "puts on shades* "Standards"
about 6 years ago
I hereby 'mine' the definitely not fanservicy car-cleaning Anne.
about 6 years ago
On YouTube, ClickBaity images and titles like "You‘ll never believe this..." tend to be dead giveaways for content I don't care to see. Webcomics? Less reliable. I've seen some erotic click-baity banners for good, entirely PG webcomics like Gaia (SandraAndWoo/Gaia).