What people are saying about "Red Deck Wins"
Red Deck Wins
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over 5 years ago
Also... It kinda tilted me that he called the new set a "Magic Arena Expansion".
over 5 years ago
Red burn decks have been a thing since MTG came out.
over 5 years ago
Losing to mono red? What are you some person that doesn't play MTG?
over 5 years ago
If you go Black White you beat red golgari mono green etc only difficult match ups are the dumb tefari and other decks that negate everything until they kill you in one turn. Basically in those match up mulligan for tithes and just sit as many of those on board as you can.
over 5 years ago
Wildgrowth Walker + a bunch of explore shenanigans does the trick for me. You could almost hear their disappointment as they reach for the concede button.
over 5 years ago
Victoire still alive?
over 5 years ago
That first speech-bubble should read "Time to try (some of) Magic Arena's new expansion."
over 5 years ago
The reason RDW is everywhere is because it has a *chance* of beating Teferi/Nexus decks.
over 5 years ago
I'm Playing High Alert, with Arcades, Tetsuko, mana wall, good boy, treasure wall, mist wall and tower defense + dive down as "pumps"

Games are fast, wrecks burn, golgari and most jank. And if control fails to hit you hard, game can end in turn 4 with a 10/10 board of multiple walls
over 5 years ago
I actually made an RDW deck just for the change of pace. My regular decks (token horde, mill, +1/+1 accrual) take awhile to setup wincons, so I wanted to try something lighter and faster.

It's kind of disturbing how effective it is when it's so damn mindless.
over 5 years ago
Hmm, can we expect to meet you as Evil Sunz captain in Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2?
Also, would be nice to address first nice game from 40k universe in a decade with some of your nice drawings.
over 5 years ago
Moral of The Story (2RR):

Spectacle (RR)

Mono Red has always been a thing, it's just now currently in vogue. Back then my Dragon Tribal was an outlier, now it's the height of fashion.

And soon will be an outlier again.
over 5 years ago
Azorius is the reason half of the games are unfun. Red burn is cheap and marker of bad game design, but still better than wasting 25 minutes waiting for Teferi to drop a NoF.
over 5 years ago
Syncopate and Depose / Deploy seems to do the trick. Then Settle the wreckage! Azorius best guild.