What people are saying about "For The Horde!"
For The Horde!
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almost 6 years ago
To be fair... that baby DOES look delicious. O.o
almost 6 years ago
wait, that's the 0-3 baby that's banned from using most products in the world. I recognise the single strand of hair.

Sylvanas is doing him a favour
almost 6 years ago
I find it creepy that this comic is surrounded by ads showing diapers and babies. :D
almost 6 years ago
Is your comments section broken? I can't post with G+ and comments I've made with FB aren't showing up.
almost 6 years ago
.. assuming, like they did with Garrosh. Nathanos, who is literally Sylv's boytoy, has had at least three moments of hesitation and concern that I can recall, so I can see him being the one to finally put his foot down over all of this.
almost 6 years ago
Actually, there's now MULTIPLE quests where you get the choice to betray her and side with Saurfang and/or Baine instead. She finds out, and the relevant cutscenes still happen, albeit with some changes, but they seem to be gauging just how the playerbase's attitudes are this time instead of just..
almost 6 years ago
If I were to play WoW, I think this would have justified my long-made decision to be Alliance.
But I'm a Hyur all the way.
almost 6 years ago
well, horde aint exactly fond of non orc/troll/tauren kids, similarly as alliance ain't fond of non human/dwarf/gnome/ne/draenei kids
almost 6 years ago
Plz no garroshed, too good a sourse of hentai :3
almost 6 years ago
btw, when will comments and photonotes get back?
almost 6 years ago
As a horde player the only thing I can say is. I hate her I hate her I hate her.
almost 6 years ago
This is only one of the many, many reasons I'm not going back to WoW after all these years. It truly is an undead abomination: It died years ago, only to be raised from the grave as a soulless husk with nothing but a hunger for dosh, rather than brains...
almost 6 years ago
That's because there are two Sylvanas. The one that wears a bikini and is evil. And then there's the one that wears pants.
almost 6 years ago
I really miss Vol'Jin, more now than ever before.
almost 6 years ago
Poor babies. And I don't mean the one in the sandwich, I mean the ones in the Horde.
almost 6 years ago
But, but..
Garosh did nothing wrong
almost 6 years ago
I dunno, it feels to me like they're doing Garrosh 2, and Sylvanas will be facing an insurrection from Baine eventually.
almost 6 years ago
I wish this wasn't true.
almost 6 years ago
It is the only reason that keeps me playing BFA. To see Sylvanas beheaded by my hand to get my damn Horde back.
almost 6 years ago
Everyone is mad that Blizzard made Sylvanas Arthas 2.0 (at this point she worse than Arthas because she doesn't have the excuse of having her soul stolen by a super necromancer and a hellblade), but she was always sketchy af. I'm not even talking about Cataclysm. All started in Frozen Throne.
almost 6 years ago
I hope Talanji will take over, with the help of Saurfang. Talanji of course is equal in rank to Sylvanas, so she can challenge Sylvanas with some help of the Loa. Perhaps even a Loa Vol'jin.
almost 6 years ago
Sadly, Sylvanas' character has been completely ruined by Blizzard in the years. TBF, WoW ruined any kind of lore attached to Warcraft in general.
almost 6 years ago
Jo went the pants-less Sylvanas path.

We're doomed.
almost 6 years ago
What? No they won't. The story in the latest expansion has a ton of people not agreeing with her, or even outright betraying her. It looks like they're setting up either a split in the faction, or a coup.