What people are saying about "Character Development"
Character Development
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over 13 years ago

I love Marina and Mischief Makers. I'm going to play the game now on my N64 (Not emulator). More please!
about 14 years ago
Ultra-InterGalactic-Cybot-G, Marina Liteyears!! There's no time for snacks!!
Darkspyre Guardian
about 14 years ago
MARINA! YES! I love the game "Mischief Makers"! my god, a wave of happiness just swept over me... Thank you, Nerf Now creator!
over 14 years ago
Marina, sorry.
over 14 years ago
IT'S MARIA! I love that game! :D. And I like it even more that someone bothered to remember her!
over 14 years ago
You do realize that isn't Samus in the last panel right?
over 14 years ago
MARINA! This just became my favorite comic. JUST because of this.
almost 15 years ago

I love you comic creator :3
almost 15 years ago
mischief makers! yay!!
Samus lover
almost 15 years ago
I still say samus is hot. But where is the DOA bouncing boobs?
almost 15 years ago
my god... no other words
about 15 years ago
Samus' look in Other M is in fact how she looked before the Prime Games, IIRC, Other M is settled between Metroid and Metroid 2, I could be mistaken, though. Samus was still under Adam's command, thus the different look. That doesn't mean this'll be her look all game long, could be a flashback...
about 15 years ago
It's funny, all the people who assume that since Team Ninja is working on Other M means that Samus'll get a massive makeover.

Considering Itagaki (Mister DoA, though I'm hardly complaining) is gone, there's a chance that the remnants have a shot at reeling in their characters.
Frank West
about 15 years ago
Space Pirates? I've covered wars you know.
about 15 years ago
I would like to point out that it's team ninja MINUS Itagaki, the guy responsible for the huge jubblies and such in Dead or Alive, so I go in with a bit more of a positive light
about 15 years ago
Dragon Knight
about 15 years ago
Don't worry too much. Nintendo still has to validate the final product. There's no way Team Ninja can give Samus a DOA Boob Job with the guys who created Metroid looking over their shoulders.
team ninja = Boobs
about 15 years ago
they are totally going to make samus what it isn't I suppose no more supposedly strong woman in the game you will travel in her adventures trying to uncover her chest with new improved silicon morph balls chesticles edition along with how she fells and if she could ever find the man of her dreams
Mysterious Black Guy
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
"This is Samus. Development makes her cry!"
about 15 years ago
Metroid: Other M*

I still love Metroid comics though <3
Adam Malkovich
about 15 years ago
I wonder if our wonderful artist will ever create a Touhou-centric comic.
about 15 years ago
Also, many people complained of her being 'ugly'. She's just not... soft. She has really severe looks because she is a serious person. Samus has a tragic, if not terribly detailed backstory, so she's not gonna go around smiling all the time. She looks bad-ass, like she's gonna kick your butt.
about 15 years ago
I have to say, you giving Other M Samus cleavage is a little unfair. Sure, Team Ninja updated her cup-size, but they were really restrained with her clothing in those screen shots (odds are 2-1 that she has on short-shorts, but we don't know that yet.)
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24632]@SPCrab[/url]: Totally just curious.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24567]@Screenshots[/url]: Really? Well I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you ^^, Crabs are much more inteligent than screenshots. Anyway, I was curious if you are the same /v/ creature that was lurking around here few comics ago. Just curious.
Dr. Obso1337
about 15 years ago
Lara is dancing like an Egyptian.
about 15 years ago
Wait... Samus turned into Deunan?
about 15 years ago
wth is Lara doing?
about 15 years ago
Boy, am I glad to see you, Marina!
about 15 years ago
since nerf now is a comedy and gentlemen club lara could be trying to make a joke about how half life 2 episode 2 ended.
GG Crono
about 15 years ago
Hellz yeah, Marina! Man, that game was so awesome.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24615]@twilight[/url] It's marina from mischief makers, back on the 64. Greatest female lead game ever.
about 15 years ago
Who's the girl with the green hair?
about 15 years ago
As Nick would say? "Tits".
Kendra Kirai
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24600]@no[/url]: Samus *had* a story. It was told several times in the past. She was a child on some planet that was attacked by Space Pirates. Her family was killed, and she was rescued by the Chozo, who trained her and augmented her, finally giving her her power suit.
about 15 years ago
I like me some character development, fun characters can make a game that would otherwise be lame (see: FE: Path of Radiance vs. all the ones after it). I hate it when video games try to have a deep story, though, due to their inability to actually have one.
about 15 years ago
yes sam doesn't need a story. I agree with you mr. comic maker. The only story she needed was. There is a tyradactil that shoots fire on this planet. Go kill it. She is pretty cool guy, who doesnt afraid of any thing.
about 15 years ago
I want to see how she develops after another sequel.
Strange Black Man in a Suit
about 15 years ago
Remember M- ...Oh wait, somebody already made that joke.
about 15 years ago
Can't believe almost every comments here are all about defending samus' boobs.
Can't we point out that Jo is the coolest guy for mentioning marina?
about 15 years ago
*shakeshakeshake* marina ftw [url=#user_comment_24558] @zerrick[/url] heheheh "uncanny valley" heheheh
about 15 years ago
I think being a cocktail waitress would actually be a step up for Felicia o.O
about 15 years ago
Hehe Marina as a bartender. Shake shake that drink girl
A Bag of Opinions
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24580]@F0nzi3[/url]: Boobs = Joke ... Ahhh. I get it now...I just thought they were something to look at. HEYOOO!
H Snake
about 15 years ago
I just "love" the implants that they put on Samus.
about 15 years ago
@ Everyone who thinks this is about boobs.

The boobs are a joke, not the complaint.

The complaint is about nearly every recent game being forced to have a deep story, leaving no room for arcade-style fun.

P.S. Frank West reference, FTW
about 15 years ago
other m (trailers) samus looks more like a human fox McCloud than what jo shows.
about 15 years ago
@Tal-con: I don't mind it having story (or the lack of it) I just think -no matter what char. development it have- people will complain about it because Samus isn't like what they have in mind.
Samus Aran
about 15 years ago
At least I make it look good.
about 15 years ago
I disagree with Nerf Now author. Nintendo has been criticized for not having deep stories and the like. "hurp derp save the princess" is how it goes. I want some character development. I want a relatable character for the Wii console.
about 15 years ago
...You do realize that the Metroid (and Fire Emblem, I guess) series has been clear evidence that Miyamoto's a closet pervert since forever, right?
about 15 years ago
Well, when I think at the beginning most people thought (including me) that Samus was just a guy/person who shoots aliens, but now she's a victim of the internet with all those naughty pictures
hope other M will be a good game

oh crap, must find and buy mischief makers
about 15 years ago
(.Y.)<----- the new morph ball
Kendra Kirai
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24495]@Katana[/url]: (Re:Does this not sound like Halo / Unreal / Doom / Worse?) I'd say that Metroid did it first, but this really goes back much further than 1986. What about Robotron?
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24566]@Moogles[/url]: But when you make this comic and link the screenshots you are talking about with no type of over sexual theme in the shots, the entire joke is moot.
about 15 years ago
@Mr Manly Man
Dude, you Know Team Ninja's Fame about giant boobs and cleavages don't you? that's the joke.
Mr Manly Man
about 15 years ago
1. There was no cleavage in those screenshots
2. The original Metroid featured Samus in a BIKINI. Things aren't getting more sexual. You're getting older.
about 15 years ago
Is there any point to these "mine" comments at all? They aren't original, they aren't intelligent, and they aren't funny. Why take the time to write them?
about 15 years ago
Reminded me of this:
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24556]@SPCrab[/url]: Nice save so you don't look /completely/ stupid
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24555]@SPCrab[/url]: but its still a boy
about 15 years ago
Well, I must say the last Samus is really ugly (no suprise there) [I don't regard that very young boy with very big chest from the official screenshots as Samus, but he's really ugly too. He looks like a girl.. ]
about 15 years ago
The screen shots you linked don't reflect this joke at all.

There was no cleavage and Samus didn't seem to be losing any awesome factor.
about 15 years ago
From what some releases have said the woman in the shots (13 and 14 are the best shots) of the link isn't samus aran but someone else :3
about 15 years ago
So...Samus now is a pair of ripe ass tits? Thats all I am getting here :P
about 15 years ago
No Duke Nukem? Figured he'd be the manager.
Voice of Hope
about 15 years ago
Well the screen shots are pretty good. And it is still first and foremost an action game. Looks like it's going to have the same kind of Ninja Gaiden style action and Samus isn't going to get the DoA look for her looks like flash backs. So here's hoping that it doesn't fall flat on it's face.
about 15 years ago
Well executed side joke with Marina.
about 15 years ago
Because destroying archeological remains will generally lose you the respect of the the archeological community. Lara Croft is What It Says On The Tin. A Tomb Raider.
about 15 years ago
HOLD ON HERE A SECOND! Lara croft is a intelligent, well renowned and praised archeologist with many master degrees in ancient history. She also has her own mansion and like a billion dollars. Why is she dancing by the pole?

...Darn you economy!
about 15 years ago
Oh Mischeif Makers. Such a great game.
Mysterious Black Dude
about 15 years ago
Remember me?
about 15 years ago
Was just telling a friend a few weeks back that they need to either remake or make a sequel to Mischief makers... fricken awesome game.

~Shake Shake
about 15 years ago

GOD dammit, Nintendo REALLY needs to throw that on Virtual Console. I'd totally buy it in a heartbeat.
about 15 years ago
This comic falls flat on it's face after looking at the screen shots.
about 15 years ago
Excuse me for being shallow, but the new Samus is ugly.
about 15 years ago
mein mein mein mein mine!!!!!!!!!!
about 15 years ago
New Samus is scruffy looking.
Some Guy
about 15 years ago
I'm pretty sure Samus in her Other M suit doesn't have an obnoxiously low-cut suit combined with oversized Dead or Alive-style tits, Jo.

The joke falls kind of flat once you know that.
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
The caffee of Broken Dreams. Now where's blonde female Fallout protagonist? *looks around*
about 15 years ago
Holy crap, Mischief Makers! I still wish they made a sequel to that.
about 15 years ago
Apparently Felicia is serving the Spy's Drinks. On a Spy's Tray.
about 15 years ago
Yes dear, we know. Now your break is over and we have a lot of customers, so shake that bunny tail.
about 15 years ago
Haha nice.

Still a little on the fence about Other M myself.
about 15 years ago
Haven't been keeping up with Other M news as of late so I have this to say:

If they take away the one respectable female video game character I've been able to find (while Zelda is an admitted close second) I am going to have a bitchfit.
about 15 years ago
I prefer old samus.
She looks like she could actually still do athletic things.
This new one... no. Can't see it.
about 15 years ago
i like morph balls
about 15 years ago
Marina. Nice and subtle. :)
about 15 years ago
I don't blame you for your thoughts on the series change, but I sort of saw Metroid as this: You are a faceless person (not woman, PERSON) who travels to planets hunting and shooting everything in sight, often for a vague reason.

Does this not sound like Halo / Unreal / Doom / Worse?
about 15 years ago
Harsh! This is where all the forgotten videogame characters of yesteryear wind up? I suppose it could be worse.
about 15 years ago
New samus is supa kawaii.
about 15 years ago
Marina bartender! woo!

about 15 years ago
haha, super smash bro "BAWL"