What people are saying about "Environmental Station Alpha"
Environmental Station Alpha
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almost 5 years ago
I really hate when a game borrows from Metroid and only Metroid and is called a "Metroidvania." It is a "Metroid-like."
almost 5 years ago
I've never been picky on graphics, but ESA just doesn't even reaches the bare minimum. Take "Baba is You" as an example of a game with "bare minimum graphics" that's acceptable.

By the Way, you should do a comic on "Baba is You". It's the best puzzle game of 2019... if not ever.
almost 5 years ago
Better safe than sorry, start working on the pinups and semi-erotica now.
almost 5 years ago
Nowadays the internet turns the robot into a girl independently of the story. Just like certain artist turned a bunch or non-humanoid alien monsters into girls... talking about it... it have been a while since we last saw them.