Lol@ People thinking VGCats owns job montage idea created dozens of years ago.
Dragon Knight
about 15 years ago
The Volus look kinda like moles; am I right or am i right.
A Bag of Opinions
about 15 years ago
WTF is a VG Cat? *Sarcasm*
*Unsarcasm* I don't care.
about 15 years ago
Ok to all who are saying that this is like Vgcats, the only similarity i see is the paperboy part. That's it! What? Doing odd jobs to get money is a vgcats thing now?
Oh and by "current vgcats comic" you mean "3 month old and didn't update since last year vgcats comic".
...what have i done...
about 15 years ago
Am I the only one who notices that a good part of this strip was taken from the current VG Cats one?
about 15 years ago
Naturally, of course, that knife isn't a knife like we'd imagine today. Because this is Mass Effect. And everything MUST use mass effect fields. That knife obvious incorporates one. Somehow. Couldn't possibly be any other way.
about 15 years ago
Holy shit, he was able to find a job in this economy?
Vending Machine
about 15 years ago
A Starkos restores one Heart of your energy.
about 15 years ago
Newspapers are always hiring new paperboys, given all the dangers they face.
about 15 years ago
That's one old school Volus if he rembers Paperboy...
about 15 years ago
the solution is, Make a team Jo
teh 1337Z0rs
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24996]@Storman[/url]: Naw, he's just a Tauren Rogue.
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
If yu have to ask, how much it costs, you can't afford it.
about 15 years ago
Btw, aren't krogans battle-types ? Don't get me wrong, but I've never heard about a krogan assassin, let alone with a knife.
i agree with the other people , the revengineer styled comics were good, and your stories are what im coming back here for....and the occasional happyface on a -tan
about 15 years ago
Why not get someone to help you color the pages? you spend less time coloring em then.
The Turian
about 15 years ago
he is a biotic god, he'll get out of this lol
about 15 years ago
Give tsu-monkey a cigar for that krogan joke!
about 15 years ago
I just want to see some Bio2 strips...
Picker of Nits
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24913]@Manic[/url]: Agreed. The "momochrome" style really wasn't that bad, especially if it means the arc can be longer than a handful of pages. I'm not sure what happened with the Revengineer sequel though....
Just make sure all your women are rendered in full color. :3
about 15 years ago
That last TF2 was the most anti-climactic crap ever. Where's the conclusion? You ended it on them respawning? wtf?
Krogan Hugger
about 15 years ago
Oh yeah, way to hate on the Krogans. Racism is what that is RACISM!
about 15 years ago
Then make balck and white (with red and blue here and there) arks again, the engi ark was the shit
Lolosaurus Rex
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24943]@DJBCM[/url]: Well, pikaz said "Qurian is going to take it", soo the correct race would be Krogan. The Krogan is going to take the money.
+15 picky creds for me
about 15 years ago
If you're having trouble with page size, expand it.
this software should be able to compensate.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24934]@pikaz[/url] He's not a quarian, he's a Volus. Duh. -15 geek cred.
about 15 years ago
Well, you hated making this part of the arc because there were no cleavages or thin panties.
about 15 years ago
Qurian is going to take it.
Heavy says...
about 15 years ago
I spy with my little eye - A spy! Gaaaah!
about 15 years ago
Even in the future there's papers that need to be bicycled through neighborhoods.
about 15 years ago
Whats this!? a Nerf Now comic without a girl with massive breasts!? Now what will help guide me through the story?
about 15 years ago
I don't mind the slow updates :)
about 15 years ago
where are the credits garrus you said there would be
about 15 years ago
im second....
poor thing gonna get robbed
about 15 years ago
Well,I never minded the sparse color style you were working with previously. Not to often you see color used conservatively like that and its fairly refreshing