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over 13 years ago
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about 15 years ago
hey everyboy. wanna hack for money?? It is the time for a good shot. Go to this address and register for free. it is not fake I swear. just try it.
only for registration you will get 6$ and after completing some free surveys you will get more.
about 15 years ago
Can you invite me to starcraft beta? :3
about 15 years ago
@Dr. Hax: *Lays on floor, then pulls up cell phone.* Work damnit!
Dr. Hax
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25095]@Commander204[/url] Back off!!! That's my job... HE TOOK MAH JOB!!! *monitors* Now back to business. (Ahem) HAAAAAAAXXX!!!!
A Bag of Opinions
about 15 years ago
He is literally "Hacking for Money!"
Oh ho! That slaps me on the knee!
about 15 years ago
Black and white plus one color worked for Mirror's Edge, too. Yeah, I went there.
about 15 years ago
Congratulations on the beta invite. I suppose it won't be long until we get a Starcraft 2 arc after this one? Good luck and looking forward to it if that's the case.
about 15 years ago
"...Someone's making a killing out there."
A Goldfish
about 15 years ago
@Skarmory: Krogan have orange blood. Bright orange.
about 15 years ago
Oh, and another thing... <inhales deeply>(no pun intended. xD) HAAAAAX! And cue the flying computer monitor.
about 15 years ago
Damn... Too bad you couldn't do that in the game. I ran out of money when I was getting upgrades and still had a few items left to get. Maybe you can in ME 3? Or at least sell some of the resources you don't need like Palladium? o.O
about 15 years ago
This is awesome beyond words.
about 15 years ago
@a lucky one
You'll have to tell us how's the beta going! So should Jo. Lucky stiffs...
about 15 years ago
Black and white plus Orange. There's a lot of orange in ME2, the menu, intro screen, the omnitool, every "holoprojector-monitor", most VI, drones, sentinel armor, ads etc.
a lucky one
about 15 years ago
Gratz on the invite! Welcome my new breathen. To be honest, zerg are hard to play. i like protoss. They are cool.
about 15 years ago
Savour last shot, pop heat sink.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
And now I'm racking my mind to remember what color krogan blood is.
about 15 years ago
A volus firing a pistol. Holy shit, the next thing we know maybe it'll be he's from the Volus Special Forces.
Copyright Theft
about 15 years ago
The advantage is that the magazine is a solid block of metal so you don't have a limited number of bullets (since each is fired by a mass effect field you don't need the gunpowder in the bullet casing). Unfortunately this ammunition advantage is negated with thermal clips -_-;
about 15 years ago
Aheh, good to see a volus finally kicking some ass.
about 15 years ago
Pfft. Who uses bullets? Not ME2. In ME2, you have tiny little shavings of something from an ammo block accelerated to high speed. And yet, if it went too fast it would have no stopping power. So it's shaped specifically to have stopping power. So basically it EMULATES a bullet with no advantages
about 15 years ago
Bioshock 2, is more like an expansion of the first. Story isn't as good, but had some game play mechanics refined. The multiplayer is annoying at times because of the level-up system they implemented. So expect to see people running around with homing rockets while at best you have is a pistol.
about 15 years ago
One of the best lately, i actually laughed at this one.
Last frame is murderously cute :P
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25057]@Dreamstate[/url]: You black and white son of a gun! You've actually done it! Hmm... i didn't think anyone would actually do this... I'm impress really!
Also, haha! You touched a krogan ball sack!
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25053]@Lien[/url]: Claiming Krogan ballsack? I accept your dare!
Dr. Obso1337
about 15 years ago
Now thats what I call a Bad Ass Mother Fucker.
Somebody call the amba lamps.
about 15 years ago
I dare the first reader of this comment to claimed the ball sack! :D
about 15 years ago
So all I need to do to get a SC2 Beta is whine and make a comic about it? Kick ass!
... Too bad my art skills could use some improvement :(
about 15 years ago
<Inhale> This is my world. <Inhale> You are not welcome <Inhale> in my world.
about 15 years ago
Well, i already see a buyer, don't I?
about 15 years ago
Sell your SC2 beta account and go on a spending spree on Steam. DO IT FAGGOT.
about 15 years ago
ahaha god, even though Krogans have two balls than humans, I still cringed seeing that bloody knife.
about 15 years ago
Don't buy Jo Bioshock 2.
Let the game be bought and the disappointment be had legitimately.
Angry Poot
about 15 years ago
The sound guns in Mass Effect make: bulletbulletbulletbullet
Cap'n Schecky
about 15 years ago
Sounds like someone needs to buy Jo Bioshock 2.
You heard the man, pony up some cash!