What people are saying about "Drift"
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over 5 years ago
@Gábor Horváth : Actually, in France, some niche magazines had honest reviews, on match with consumers right association newspapers when they compare products.
It helped me avoid crappy games, but it actually quenched my thirst for videogames, by proxy. I bought almost nothing then.
over 5 years ago
About company size, and inexplicable defects in the final product, Apple has had huge problem with their new butterfly keyboard, years ago, and had problem acknowledging the issue.
Some company are surviving doing money in just one field. When they screw up on a new launch / generation, it's scary.
over 5 years ago
It makes you wonder when company are too small or too big. Nintendo shares are said to belong mostly to Japanese, with the associated corporate culture. If it were only about me, Nintendo would have gone bankrupt, because I grew tired of the gimmicks (and I become jaded with the new videogames).
over 5 years ago
Jonathan, Gamergate movement was all about game industry shilling, Sarkeesian being final nail and anchor to it; real gamergate movement died 4 years ago but it has been revived by medias and people like you ever since.
over 5 years ago
For those citing GamerGate, I'll just note that what I saw of it wasn't actually focused on objecting to industry shills. It was more complaining about trends in gaming they didn't like and objecting to people like Sarkeesian. Whatever one thinks of her work, she wasn't part of industry corruption.
over 5 years ago
Weird. I've seen many news about it and even saying there's an internal memo that they should treat it free of charge. They're even having serious delays in repair. Usually you get your stuff in 3 weeks, but I've been told it went up to 7 weeks. I still think Switch is awesome.
over 5 years ago
Also, [insert obligatory shout-out to GamerGate here].
over 5 years ago
The gaming media have always been shilling, because they came into existence as a branch of advertising for the industry to begin with. The only thing that changed is that through the internet, independent reviewers who are not dependent on industry money and user reviews made this more obvious.
over 5 years ago
The 'gaming media' isn't 'opinionated', they're straight out shills pandering paid-for bias.
over 5 years ago
> the gaming media is extremely **opinionated** about everything.

The correct term is CORRUPTS!.

Gamergate is exactly about it.
over 5 years ago
I've had 3 pairs of joycons all drift on me. 1 of these pairs I sent to Nintendo for repairs no less than three times & they still started drifting yet again months later.

& let's not forget all of the other problems: docks scratching screens, bent overheated Switches, that shitty kickstand...