What people are saying about "Ir's Ying From Paladins"
Ir's Ying From Paladins
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over 5 years ago
I wish it had done something about its cheaters and currency.
over 5 years ago
...Huh, I thought she was a little smaller then that... <3
over 5 years ago
To be fair, not even Paladins players knew who she was for a while...
over 5 years ago
There is enough room for two hero shooters though, maybe you'd notice if you'd actually play Paladins instead of just complaining about it. The game has a healthy player base and that is all it needs.
over 5 years ago
As soon as you pass account level 30 you get to play the "Who gets steamrolled today?" roulette, where you end up with either the grandmasters or with the bronzes, and EVERYTHING is your fault.
over 5 years ago
I'd still be playing it if not for one thing: Its matchmaking, ranked and otherwise, is a raging dumpster fire that routinely, likely on purpose, piles in the top of the leaderboards with the bottom of bronze league - usually in separate teams on top of that. /1
over 5 years ago
Paladins made a bit of a comeback with its crossplay release between all the three consoles and pc. For a hefty while it also remained the only hero shooter that could be played on switch and for free to boot. While I can't agree with everything the devs do, it's definitely better than overwatch.
over 5 years ago
Online Multiplayer games are like Reality shows. They have a strong following, when they're current, but they're ultimately forgettable, interchangeable and tend to age like milk.
over 5 years ago
Well it have a decent player base on steam, I don't know about console though.
over 5 years ago
overwatch takes up so much space it destroyed battleborne that wasnt even the same as overwatch but people saw "character shooter" and went crazy, I genuenly enjoyed battleborne, gunplay was great ,fun characters, great abilities. My main problem was to took me so long to unlock new characters
over 5 years ago
I dont see realy problem with skins prices, becouse frankly, there are like 2 skins that i actualy care about. also i was worried that im not gonna be albe to buy all champions just from plaing, now i got like 90% of them and dont care, becouse i play just Evie anyway.
over 5 years ago
@Chomper You get 50 crystals each week by daily logins, so there is that.
over 5 years ago
@Dustin Yeah, I saw the prices on Paladin cosmetics and I was floored. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I couldn't see there to be ANY way, shape, or form to earn crystals. Gold for champions and a relatively small selection of voice packs (maybe a small handful of bad skins?) only.
over 5 years ago
I wish the folks who made paladins weren’t such money-grubbing jerks. I’d Still he playing Smite, otherwise.
over 5 years ago
I get the notifications for them. 2500 here, 3000 there, etc. But my gold total is only going up by the roughly 125 or so gold I get for playing a match. I'm not happy and looking at various forums apparently makes this out to be a several-year long problem for a LOT of players.
over 5 years ago
I downloaded this last night and was surprised at how well it ran as well as how fun it was. My only qualm, though, is that TONIGHT? Ohhhh....tonight is right ticking me off now because I'm not getting ANY gold whatsoever from levelling up (characters, account, and battle pass).
over 5 years ago
You know what's REALLY sad? She's my main Support and I still didn't recognize it until a few seconds after reading the word "Paladins."