@Aaron Yes, that is a very good baseline rule of thumb to work by. I mean, there's a reason why there was a joke for World's going on for a little bit in that the winner said, more or less, "I just...played Yogg."
When I still played MtG, I had a deck titled Random Insanity. The premise of the deck was a Legacy Red/Artifact that EVERY non-land card involved RNG. Dice rolls, card flips, coin flips, Top 5 cards. Even had one that involved opponent guessing how many items you had in your hand.
The RNG in Battlegrounds is set up as an essential part of the play experience - proper strategy centers around maximizing your chances and minimizing the ways it can hurt you. That plays very differently from suddenly introducing variance into a game you otherwise had control over.
This would also lead into a larger variety of end-game builds, meaning you're not QUITE so much endlessly spending turns rolling for the slimmest hope that there's SOMETHING you can maybe wedge into your build. It doesn't feel good to meta-game to the degree this game pigeonholes board states into.
Battlegrounds has far too few minions that if you get ahead, you can start hate-drafting (aka buying units you don't need but your opponents DO) to take them out of the pool and reduce the chance of them making a comeback. They need to focus on making a LOT more minions, both impactful and less so.
My problem with Hearthstone RNG over something like Dota RNG is that in Heartstone, a single bad Knife Juggler throw can decide games. There are small #'s of RNG that have big impact. Whereas Dota has large #'s of RNG that have small impacts so over time the RNG's even out.
I think the issue is using a crafted deck vs. lolrandom play
When you're using Yogg you expect the randomness. When you're playing against Yogg with a crafted deck you can manipulate who'll win but it isn't actually up to you. So even winning doesn't feel like you've achieved victory.
People who hate RNG are the one who lost match while grinding, that's all. When you are save by yogg you're happy and love RNG. But when Yogg is against you just say fuck this game.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I admit to being a total RNG-shill myself. Also, I can't believe I caught this right as it was posted! I got first comment! Go me!