What people are saying about "The Bestest Jedi"
The Bestest Jedi
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about 5 years ago
Honestly, the only power I have not seen the force do before was the teleport thing. It's like people completly forgot the crazy things that's been done since ROTJ. And like others said, Luke pretty much got his force skills from nowhere after being told to "see" through the force.
about 5 years ago
Just going to be the one to say it, using a Superman as the example is a bad idea. What a Kryptonian can and can't do is so often up to the writer it is ridiculous. Superman has gained instant martial arts, rainbow beams, electric powers, the power to speak any language, see souls, ect...
about 5 years ago
Except for the fact that every character in the movie takes turns rescuing Rei in the third film. Also, I blame random powers on JJ Abram's inability to write coherent plots.
about 5 years ago
@andy willow To be fair some toddlers are smarter than some adults. One advantage the adults have is experience. Now I won't claim the first 50 years of a Yoda's life experience are equal to the first 50 years of a human's life experience but I suspect it is worth far more than a human toddler's.
about 5 years ago
And they develop slower too, that baby is 50 and is about on par with a human toddler. Just take the L already.
about 5 years ago
I got the info on that character I mentioned through wiki diving btw. I THINK it was ment to explain how a midiocre jedi became super powerful in a short amount of time in one of the old republic games or something? I donno. point is, Rey isnt the first like this.
about 5 years ago
@andy willow: Baby Yoda has been stated to be 50 years old. yoda's species take a long time to age. yoda was 900ish
about 5 years ago
(cont) so their power was essentally to be a black hole that eats the powers and exprience of everything around them being able to do things that take years of learning in a short time. this was eventually self destructive though iirc.
about 5 years ago
Another thing:

A baby Yoda creature has an affinity for the force mastery: Oh how adorable.
An adult woman has an affinity for the force mastery: Everyone loses their minds.
about 5 years ago
Funny thing? there was a character EXACTLY like Rey in the EU, and there was a reason for them being that way. Basically? they were a 'void' in the force, and would basically gain skills and powers in way too short a time by pretty much leaching them off people around them unintentionally.
about 5 years ago
Jedi Healing has been a Long standing ability of Force users. The legacy character stuff was FAR more insane (Palpatines lightning and Luke being able to raise his Xwing).
about 5 years ago
To everyone insisting it was longer. Show me canon facts please. Otherwise you are just making excuses.
about 5 years ago
@Dustin Cochran: Well... Rey randomly learns how to heal lightsaber stabs to the chest, she can teleport items to Kylo across lightyears, and Palpatine uses Force lightning to decimate an entire fleet of spaceships. So yeah, the Force is pretty much Harry Potter magic at this point.
about 5 years ago
Not having seen the latest movie, I'm going to go ahead and say that the Leia Poppins power beats most of the new movie. The ability to breath in space and fly is hard to trump.
about 5 years ago
I have not watched it (and I plan to watch it via torrent anyways) but AFAIK, it is not fair, the "bad guy" spend a whole live planning some convoluted plan then Rey spoils it in a couple of days?

about 5 years ago
Luke's time with Yoda wasn't just an afternoon there, considering everything shown during it along with the travel times, it was probably a lot more time than that. Possibly months.

And that was just to be a Jedi, not a master. That came later after ROTJ
about 5 years ago
At this point I don't care about Disney Star Wars to the point of pretending it doesn't exist. It's just disgusting agenda pushing and profit centrism. Because OFCOURSE Rey HAS TO be a woman and OFCOURSE she HAS TO be better then anyone ever. And OFCOURSE this movie is coming out near christmas.
about 5 years ago
@Andy Willow: Um... what Jedi master? He went to train, for an unspecified amount of time, and then he left to confront Vader and got his ass handed to him. Then he trained on his own for years, and even then he barely beat Vader by tapping into the dark side and was no match for Palpatine.
about 5 years ago
So we're just gonna gloss over how Luke became a Jedi master? A talking to by one old man, and then an afternoon of calisthenics with another, shorter old man.

I guess Rey only learning how to master the force after talking to ONE old man is just too hard to believe, seeing as it took Luke two.
about 5 years ago
No worries, in twenty years when Disney is jonesing for more cash and wants to resurrect the corpse of Star Wars again, Rey will be brought back briefly to cash in on the current nostalgia, then immediately killed to market new toys... er.. characters. XD
about 5 years ago
This has been Rey all along though, she says she has never done something and suddenly is an expert on it.

Also Superman is not a good example because his powers has always been bullshit and changes between stories, like remember when he spun around the earth so fast he went back in time?
about 5 years ago
Strictly speaking, thats kinda how the force was always written. They show Vader choking a guy from slightly out of choke range. Luke gains telekinesis. Then its a self-affecting super speed+super jump thing. And lightning? Healing? Mind control, mind reading, precognition..there's a long list.
about 5 years ago
In the golden age of comics they did that with Superman himself. :P
about 5 years ago
Like we said in my language : on the scale of 20, I would give it a "I don't care/20".
about 5 years ago
Hell, the last Jedi that had the power to bring people back to life ended up suffering for it, the entire messed up wreck of a being that was Cade Skywalker, because that was a nightmare scenario with him about the costs of it, and it was implicitly something darkside in nature there. I miss the era
about 5 years ago
Superpal does sound EXACTLY like Superman. I don't really know all the details, but I guess Paul Richeson does. More than I do, at least.
about 5 years ago
That IS Superman. Silver Age Superman, anyway. They gave him new powers so offten that Crisis on Infinite Earths was partly made to tone him back down.