Oh man, Scout's mom is NOT gonna be happy. Not to mention Sniper-tan.
almost 15 years ago
You know, I just thought of something... Why wasn't there a blue spy at the beginning of the comic when blue Engi-tan needed rescuing?
almost 15 years ago
Holy crap that actually works really well!
almost 15 years ago
The best part about hiring splicers?
You can have the Soldier pay them in maggots!
Oh wait, wrong bug. =D
almost 15 years ago
TF2 takes place in 1968.
Bioshock also takes place in the 60's, but rapture fell in 1958, so there's a possible 10 year gap between this comic and the setting in TF2.
almost 15 years ago
and bioshock in the 60s?
almost 15 years ago
doesnt TF2 take place in the 50's?
Mine fags
almost 15 years ago
Aren't here this time
almost 15 years ago
The psychosis doesn't really matter, as long as it can be channeled into hating one colour or the other.
As for the ADAM addiction, this is why every team needs a Medic with an Ubersaw.
wait wait wait
almost 15 years ago
but wait... the pyro who is the engy can use fire to spy check now?
Suhuh? Continued, 3...
almost 15 years ago
I wouldn't have got it either. Till someone pointed it out, but even then I'd probably be asking what the significance of it was. So, its not really a mystery why some people didn't get it right off.
Suhuh? Continued, 2
almost 15 years ago
Well not everyone is a diehard gamer that tries to keep up with the latest news, or common knowledge in a game's audience. Myself, I'm learning a lot about TF and TF2 through you guys, but I don't play the game, and if it weren't for this webcomic, and you guys talking about this stuff...
SuHuh? Continued
almost 15 years ago
Myself, once I read it I was trying to figure out what it meant when I read the comment section below. It clicked and it was all "LOL" (not actually saying that, but doing that) But if you were asking how anyone could still not have gotten it after reading both the comic and the comment...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26142]@Esproc[/url] Most people don't really expect something this convuluted to show up in this particular comic, so either game fanatics, or people that read the comments below, are likely the first people to get it. All others take a moment to catch up.
almost 15 years ago
I'm a little surprised at the comments saying it took them a second to get this one.
It's subtle, but not that subtle xD
In any case great job! Loved this one.
Metal C0Mmander
almost 15 years ago
The spy probably got a chirurgy soon after, cause I've never seen any of them marks in meet the spy.
almost 15 years ago
And suddenly everything made sense.
almost 15 years ago
gelugon2105: "But no, splicers, with their ADAM addiction and apparent psychosis, would make poor TF Industries employees."
Blargh: Or maybe the best goddamn crazy sonsabitches for the kind of work they would get into.
Even better: they're paid IN SLUGS.
Dr. Taco: Surgeon at Law
almost 15 years ago
So does that mean that the Pyro isn't really using a flamethrower at all? It's just an... outlet for his FIERY SATANIC JETS OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM?
almost 15 years ago
gelugon2105: "But no, splicers, with their ADAM addiction and apparent psychosis, would make poor TF Industries employees."
Or maybe the best goddamn crazy sonsabitches for the kind of work they would get into.
almost 15 years ago
I only noticed the TF2 reference joke after noticing the hat the invisi-splicer is wearing and the right guy's body shape.
But no, splicers, with their ADAM addiction and apparent psychosis, would make poor TF Industries employees.
almost 15 years ago
I think you mean "goes farther back than you expected."
almost 15 years ago
This explains so much!
almost 15 years ago
It took me a while to get the joke, but I laughed so hard when I did.
almost 15 years ago
I was going to say it's a boring comic, but then I thought of it and good job.
almost 15 years ago
I'm just waiting for the comment that reads
"Spy round-
*reads title*
You've inb4'd the spycheckers!
almost 15 years ago
Brilliantly subtle. Great job.
almost 15 years ago
Goddommot, I just got the joke
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
It'z funny because its relevant with TF2.
almost 15 years ago
Can't unsee!
almost 15 years ago
mind blown
almost 15 years ago
You sir, just blew my damn mind.
almost 15 years ago
This is the greatest comic yet!
though i've only been following for a month or so, dunno..
Total wit.
almost 15 years ago
I mean, at first this seems like a silly "Splicers are ugly" joke. But then, since the art was in no way you could tell, you explained that it is spy and pyro! Ho! You are such a great writer and artist. Seriously Jo. Great job.
almost 15 years ago
Who would hire them with mask on? Team blue and red apparently...
You blew my mind, jo.
almost 15 years ago
Explains how the Pyro can do his taunt and how the spy disappears...(he doesn't use his watch, it's just a focusing device)
almost 15 years ago
The Rapture city started at 1946 and its fall was at 1959...
TF2 take place at the 50's...
So I think, yeah, its possible.
almost 15 years ago
@Some guy: As far as I know, Bioshock takes place in the 40's where as TF2 takes place in the 60's. But I'm not sure on that one.
Chi Chi Rocket
almost 15 years ago
Shhhhhut up.....
Some guy
almost 15 years ago
Wait, doesn't Bioshock take place AFTER Team Fortress 2?
almost 15 years ago
Hahaha, awesome
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Sir, you made my day, just, genius.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
At first i was like "...?"
But then i LOL'd so hard!
almost 15 years ago
Perfect Jo!
As Drake said, the single panel and short comment work so well!
Drake Ducaste
almost 15 years ago
Wow, this is unbelievably clever.
I must say, the fact you made it only one picture, explaining the joke in the comments, made it twice as funny. Brevity is key.
almost 15 years ago
Haha! love it :) Nice job on working bioshock in there, it makes perfect sence as well xD
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26079]@Moronical[/url]: Shoot, almost being first
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