After i played the game this joke became so much funnier :P
over 14 years ago
More amusing then anything I've seen so far in the actual game.
over 14 years ago
In the words of Francis...
almost 15 years ago
holy crap and here i was thinking i needed to go to rule 34 for this sort of thing :)
almost 15 years ago
Okay, Jo, Out with your hueg private collaction of rule 34.
almost 15 years ago
I'm more of a Lightning/Fang guy myself. XD
And I'm absolutely loving FFXIII, it's just my kind of game.
almost 15 years ago
Im probably the only one that thought of this when i read the title
anyways i stopped at FF7 I couldn't stand how weird the series went, FF7 being were the nightmare begins
almost 15 years ago
Everyone is lesbian for vanille!
almost 15 years ago
Yeah, right there with you. Let's remember that Square has the Saga series, the Parasite Eve series, Crono Break to finish, along with a ton of other games that don't need to have "Final" in their names to be a "Fantasy" game. I stopped after X anyway. :)
Just saying
almost 15 years ago
That first panel is a fucking nightmare. Like, the eyes, gigantic ass forehead, "body" is all over the damn place. You're a talented artist but I have no idea how that got overlooked. Third panel is fine though, and not just because of what's going on.
Minus the weird ass chocobo.
almost 15 years ago
That's hawt.
almost 15 years ago
So how do you feel about FFXIII? Your rant was about FFXII :DDDD
almost 15 years ago
sheesh! Get a room... after I snap some pictures!
almost 15 years ago
*eyebrows and interests rise here*
almost 15 years ago
@The Bored Cyborg Studios: man, they are always so... GRAVY.
The Bored Cyborg Studios
almost 15 years ago
Why are people so stupid with the photo notes feature
almost 15 years ago
I'm using that PARADIGM SHIFT panel as an avatar at some point.
almost 15 years ago
so after getting doctors in shields he join a band of bipolar lesbians and converted to Mooglism which explains the pom pom.
almost 15 years ago
i do not get it, can someone explain?
Steve Dave
almost 15 years ago
I never noticed the similarities between the demo and Sazh before.
Basch von Ronsenburg of Dalmasca
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26211]@zeruf[/url]: FFXII had full-control real-time strategy, you just chose to use gambits until you lost interest in combat, like a lot of other haters. The autoattack argument is silly, really, because the vast majority of combat in FFs boils down to it. XII just took away button-spam and random encounters.
the rump that means bump
almost 15 years ago
is over der
chicken on head
almost 15 years ago
even the chicken on head seems confused... anyone wonder who triggered the paradigm shift?
almost 15 years ago
AYE, ITS A FINE THING LADS that made me rofl. they seem to be pretty hot my god...
almost 15 years ago
My order of preference: FF6 > FF4 > FF8 > FF7 > FF12 > FF10 > FF1 > FF9
Haven't played 2, 3, 5, or 13, and I always put 11 in an entirely different category.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
I love every system in XIII. The gameplay is awesome. It's what XII should've been. It's so fast-paced. And I like that.
Squall Leonheart
almost 15 years ago
InB4 hating on 8
almost 15 years ago
Re: the author editorial...
I'm presuming you actually meant FF XIII (given the subject of the strip) rather than XII? 12 was pretty decent, except for that blasted 'fishing' minigame. Certainly better than all the stuff you had to do in X (Lightning Dodger, Chocobo Racing, Blitzball, etc..) Blech.
almost 15 years ago
FFXIII has a class-change system that you can apply mid-combat to completely change your available set of abilities and character behaviours. Apparently it also affects sexual preference!
almost 15 years ago
I think these chars are from FFXIII? I haven't really played any of the recent FFs, but I remember someone pointing out the guy who keeps chocobos in his afro.
mr flibbles
almost 15 years ago
After FFX, the franchise went swiftly downhill imo.
From FFVI through to FFIX were my favourites, VII stealing the spotlight for me. wark! wark!
almost 15 years ago
This would make one of the best mentos commercial
almost 15 years ago
I... don't really get it.
almost 15 years ago
i think i know what you mean,i had FFXII gather dust for a while now after trying it. worst part: no actuall full-controll turn based strategy, it's mostly A.I. and autoattack
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Bow Chicka Wow Wow. I can't believe nobody else has said it yet.
almost 15 years ago
yeah, Fang switched to "Ravager" to ravage Vanille.
almost 15 years ago
Best one liner comic I've seen in a long time.
almost 15 years ago
Funny, all "Mine" quotes and no one using Larfleeze for their user ID name
What the hell
almost 15 years ago
This makes less sense than Joanna Dark and Jonathon making out would.
almost 15 years ago
I fully endorse this application of Paradigm shift.
Josh Miller
almost 15 years ago
I couldn't agree more re: Final Fantasy. Though my interest dropped in 12. The game was just... boring... and I had been a die hard Final Fantasy Fanboy up until that time.
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