What people are saying about "Trash Waifu"
Trash Waifu
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about 5 years ago
Tbh I didn't know who she was so I googled her. I was disappointed, she looks way cuter in your art style.
about 5 years ago
Ah I see you are a man of culture as well.
about 5 years ago
have both Isthar and Eresh, yeeeyyy
about 5 years ago
'Ronery' is absolutely one of my favorite, if not the most favorite, engrish words.
about 5 years ago
I love how even though I don't know the character, I still get a laugh because the joke is gold.
about 5 years ago
I got all of my waifus in Pokemon Masters so I'm set.
about 5 years ago
Technically, she is Rin. Half of her. This is one of FGO's odder gimmicks, where certain established fan-favorites "host" servants in their bodies. Ishtar is pretty much the goddess + Rin's tsun side, while Eresh is the goddess + Rin's dere side. It's weird, but fairly amusing.
about 5 years ago
Technically, she is Rin. Half of her. This is one of FGO's odder gimmicks, where certain established characters "host" servants in their bodies. Ishtar is pretty much the goddess + Rin's tsun side, while Eresh is the goddess + Rin's dere side. It's weird, by fairly amusing.
about 5 years ago
Your waifu IS shit. Lord Vader told me so himself.
about 5 years ago
I mean, technically she IS Rin in a magical girl outfit. A magical girl outfit she can't ever remove and combines her greedy personality with a goddess
about 5 years ago
So basically you want ereshkigal
about 5 years ago
Wait, so Ishtar isn't Rin Tohsaka in fanservice iutfit?
about 5 years ago