It will have a palico, and the number of monsters in the series means they won't need to be making stuff up. And the games are always about a created character anyway. The trick will be, the games are fun for your personal progression, not its story. Films are built on story.
Yeah, the second I looked at that poster and saw "Mila Jovovich" my brain wait "Oh god, this is going to be Resident Evil all over again". First movie will probably be 'okay' but the 2nd-20th movies are all going to be anime levels of escalation with bizarre and completely retarded plots.
Ian Urion: I think it will be an average Hollywood action omvie. If you like Jojovich you may even enjoy it but I think it will only slightly related to Monster Hunter.
So, I like Milla Jovovitch, and I like good monster/videogame movies. So tell me, what are the chances that this will be worth seeing? Keep in mind, I've never played Monster Hunter, though I've heard nothing but good things about it, hence my some of my interest.
Yeah this movie is going to be terrible. The fact that it's by the guy who made those awful Resident Evil movies starring his wife as likely another Mary Sue character is all I need to know.