What people are saying about "Kettle Fortress"
Kettle Fortress
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about 13 years ago
You have not been spawn camped until you have been on Balloon Race. With the spawn rooms facing each other, it's dangerous just walking out the front door. (Also, spy with dead ringer can easily circumvent). Spawn camping is easy to avoid.
over 13 years ago
Just have someone uber a pyro
about 14 years ago
Dustbowl blu respawn
over 14 years ago
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27266]@MercenaryBlue[/url]: Also, thanks to a recent pyro update, stickies change team when airblasted. The blu demo can still detonate, but it doesn't hurt the red anymore
almost 15 years ago
Reply to MercenaryBlue.
Ever heard of Dead Ringer?

Seriously, sticky camping is the easiest thing to counter.
almost 15 years ago
I've got a good idea of how to efeat sticky spawn camping, but it requires teamwork. Tell everyone who spawns to wait about 10 seconds, then one player rushes out to get blown up, and the rest immediately follow to kill the demo. Would require teamwork to pull off, but I think it would work well.
Dr. Jones
almost 15 years ago
Yeah spys aren't cheap at all. I mean cloaking, insta kills weapons, a cloak that drops a fake spy and they stay cloaked, a sapper to bring down a sentry, and a disguise ability. Yeah totally fair, thank God the engi has the same amount of gear. Oh wait most of his stuff isn't meant for combat.
almost 15 years ago
Backstabs, Snipers, and Sentries kills are done in the field of honor. They are part of the game and have their counters.

A demoman camping spawn with stickies prevent the other team from playing. Its considered griefing for a good reason and no valid argument will prove otherwise.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26612]@Doomleika[/url] I agree that an Uber is way too steep a price to pay to advance past a couple sticky-bombs. Luckily we have Bonk now.
almost 15 years ago
BR English.
almost 15 years ago
English isn't Jo first language.
almost 15 years ago
And airblast is such a failure at counter stickys. It fails so much so valve create SR to counter stickys.

And now you have a class basically countered by it's own.
almost 15 years ago
People must have no brain to say ubercharge is the counter of spawn camping.

One single cheap tactic with minimal skill take huge resource(How long does a ubercharge in spawn room take? 1 min? that's enough to lose a game) even entire team to counter that's called cheap/imba.
almost 15 years ago
Behold the rare beast: Furioblackis Scotticyclopius.

Here we see him enacting his revenge on every class for whining about his weapons being overpowered by utilizing the tools that he has used since day one. Watch as the angry people seethe and eventually restore him to glory.
Waka Flocka
almost 15 years ago
Same thing with playing Spy. No matter how good you are,no matter if you're C&D camping or just moving behind enemy lines you pray every life that a Pyro or Scout doesn't accidentally bump into you. Hell, luck is an asset to Spies.
Waka Flocka
almost 15 years ago
Sniping takes skill and luck because of the elements of anticipation. If a Solider is about to run into your crosshair then him actually doing so is an act of luck, just as if he stops right before and sends a rocket to your face.
outro brazuca
almost 15 years ago
actually, I do get the irony here. and agree with the joke! but i was commenting on something else. Most classes can be cheap an no fun each in it's own way... heck, spawncamping is even a normal "strategy", needing to be averted in some maps! part of the game, dudes... but some times, it's lame...
almost 15 years ago
About someone's post earlier, how can something take skill an luck? If you don't do something with skill, then it's most likely luck.

How can it be both?
almost 15 years ago
@waka flocka
i dont think anyone thinks headshot is the cheap kill from a sniper, more people find that a body shot is the cheapest way to die from a sniper, mainly cause its easy. however if your getting body shotted its cause, no one pressured the other sniper or you keep going the same route
Meet The Daddy
almost 15 years ago
You people need to stop making it seem like it's difficult for a demo or any other class to make it to an enemy spawn. As long as there is a Engie with a leveled teleporter on the opposing team and an alternate route, even Heavies can trek to a spawn unnoticed.

Demoman is still gay either way.
Waka Flocka
almost 15 years ago
Lolol, I love how the author is always so butthurt over snipers in the comic but feverently defends demofags. Now headshotting is "cheap?". Despite doing so requires skill AND luck?

Then again I think somewhere it was stated that the author was a Heavy, Pyro and Engie player. Piece of piss.
almost 15 years ago
I do get the joke, just commenting something else.
almost 15 years ago
I have to agree with Penguin... It's realy loking like the less get the joke.
An Evil Penguin
almost 15 years ago
Somehow I get the feeling that most of the people here aren't getting the irony...
Zak Canard
almost 15 years ago
What is more annoying when you're on a custom map that allows spawnbuilding, an Engineer builds a tele exit into the spawn to allow a friend of his (who happens to play Spy) into the spawn. Spawnbackstabs FTL.
almost 15 years ago
@outro brazuca[url=#user_comment_26557]:@CiroArgus[/url] Tenho que concordar que vcs tem certa razão, hoje mesmo tive essa situação que foi resolvida na base do kamikaze. sai um explode tudo e depois outros dois. Mas tenho esperança sabe, ja joguei com brasileiros bacanas e estrangeiros malas
almost 15 years ago
2 demos are better than one
almost 15 years ago
Why are there grammar error?
Awesome dog
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26543]@gelugon2105[/url] You know you are bro *insert bro fist here*
outro brazuca
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26557]@CiroArgus[/url][url=#user_comment_26550]:@Adalba[/url] Diga isso para jogadores em servidores brasileiros, senhor. realmente, CiroArgus, o senhor tem toda a razão!
almost 15 years ago
Also, the most of the times I've seen this thing happen is by attacking team on those asymmetrical CP maps where defending team spawns slower. They might as well cap the point.
almost 15 years ago
Well, it's not technically unfair, but it's unsporstsmanlike. If the demo manages to get to that point and hold it, the other team obviously sucks and tormenting them like that is like tearing wings off a fly.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26560]@Alexthegreat[/url]: Only bad demoknights can't destroy Sentries. Good Demoknights edge Sentries and then unload direct hitting nades into them, killing them faster than the Engie can repair. Or they go around them by nade jumping.
almost 15 years ago
Well isn't this the pots calling the kettle black....it's funny how the demoman is black...double entendre jokes are fun. :3
Defiant Wolf
almost 15 years ago
*points to comic title*

How can so many of you miss the point? Wow, just wow.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
I now here-by declare, this comic, to be one of the most commented comics of Nerf Now.

And look, we got two different languages here!
almost 15 years ago
Luckily, there's more than one spawn door most of the time. Here's how I usually do it:

1. Go Heavy/Pyro from the other spawn, trek to the camper and kill him.
2. Dead Ringer out of the camped spawn, get a distance away and fill up DR again, then attack the Demo.
3. Bonk.
4. Peek out, Jarate.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26550]@Adalba[/url] Diga isso para jogadores em servidores brasileiros, senhor.
Dark Spartan
almost 15 years ago
1. Call for a Medic
2. Call for a Pyro
3. Build up an uber
4. Go outside and airblast/ubercharge rush
5. ????
6. Profit!
almost 15 years ago
Realmente terrivel, mas um time tem que saber dar conta disso, se não, não é um time.
almost 15 years ago
Atleast Demos can destroy sentries, Demoknights cant and it only requires 3 buttons.
almost 15 years ago
fuck stickies and grenades, spammoman is overpowered and takes no skill.
I'd rather get headshot or stabbed any day than M1+M2 winbombed.
Anne O'Neemus
almost 15 years ago
I actually love when this happens, i don't mind if i'm camped or am camping. The reactions are just hillarious.
almost 15 years ago
Dudes are still complaining about the Demoman.

There are many ways to defeat spawn-camping, and one of them is TEAM-WORK.

Only crappy teams get camp-spawned up their asses - Demoman or no - and these deserve getting their giblets handed to them.
almost 15 years ago
Wananananana, I'm a freakin' blur here!
almost 15 years ago
for the unholy GRAVY, that demo deserves to be killed. i hat you camper everybody bloody hates YOU.
almost 15 years ago
The only time I ever got banned from any server in any game was in a TF2 match where I knowingly made one extremely sarcastic remark questioning the skill of an admin (who had done this many times). I said it after I managed to kill him from inside spawn, ending his streak. The ban took about 5 sec.
almost 15 years ago
Everyone's assuming this is a spawn door. It might just be a normal gate (like the two on Turbine)... there's nothing wrong with camping normal doors in a map.

Also, some servers allow spawn camping, others don't. YMMV.

Finally... scout should be a pyro, IMO. Sniper, spy, pyro, demo = drama.
Anonymous Coward
almost 15 years ago
Lol the comments are so typical of hardcore fans defending their game.
almost 15 years ago
step one: bonk scout
step two: make rest of team run out behind you
step three: kill demo
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26511]@EchelonThree[/url]: Its called time and strategy. Sometimes people don't employ these things and would rather "raeg quit". Seeing as how Medic somehow became my best class, I should know. As for the huntsman camper: I hipshot and aim for the head. It works fairly well; but anticipation is key too.
almost 15 years ago
One place that this is particularly obnoxious is on the first map of pl_goldrush, where a demo can stand on top of the only spawn door in the map and continue raining stickies. You're pretty much limited to bonk scout / uber / maybe DR spy in this situation.
almost 15 years ago
Cry some more
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26469]@Psychoceramics[/url]: That's what I suggested! And no-one listened!
almost 15 years ago
Spawn camping is usually not the problem. If it succeeds, it's just an expression of how many dickheads (who are too bored with effortlesly killing you whenever you enter the battlements and decide to kill you even earlier instead of changing teams) are on the other team.
almost 15 years ago
He just got noclip, stop bitching
almost 15 years ago
There is a hard counter to a spawncamp, it's called an ubercharge
almost 15 years ago
If a game allowed spawn camp and no hard counter, then the game sucked and deserved a small nerdish community.
almost 15 years ago
If you allow yourself to get spawncamped, you suck and deserve to be camped...
almost 15 years ago
Ahh, the sweet style of spawn camping. Truly a low tactic of a sort of a player.
A Room With A Manly Moose
almost 15 years ago
I love the irony in this comic.
A Room With A Manly Moose
almost 15 years ago
To tell you the truth I dont see why people get so mad when they get spawn camped. Sure they get killed once but its very easy to get out or kill the demoman afterwards.

If a demoman gets all the way to your spawn undetected he deserves a few kills. If you cry or cant kill the demo your bad.
almost 15 years ago
And, tbh, I hate people who camp their own spawn for infinite health much more than these demo campers.
almost 15 years ago
I don't understand the irony in the Scout's statement. The only time he's been like that is when the Sandman actually stunned people, but that's been nerfed now.
And Spy should be more like "GO HELP YOUR TEAM, YOU FRIGGIN LONER!", and then friendly disguise -> DR out -> Stab -> :3
almost 15 years ago
It's my opinion that ALL of the classes of tf2 are broke, and they're all broken just enough to equal out (well...except for snipers who are smart enough to keep the rifle)
almost 15 years ago
The pyro shows his worth again!
almost 15 years ago
"Wow..." everyone got the joke, and those that didn't, read the description.

Some may not agree, but they still got it.
almost 15 years ago
What makes me a good Demoman?

If I were a bad Demoman, I would be standing there spawncamping the hell outta ye, now wouldn't I?
almost 15 years ago
with the Direct Hit even with him repairing the damn thing...
almost 15 years ago
over the rocks in Gold Rush and I've seen a huntsman arrow kill someone without the sniper in sight at all, went over the side saw him literally shooting arrows to try to see if he can get a lucky kill... But didn't after that first one Spy is the cheapest while the engie's sentry can be easily...
almost 15 years ago
@Wow... How is the scout and Sniper no skill? If a scout kills you from behind with the FaN or normal shotgun you probably didn't see him rushing another path or were distracted with something else... Sniper you have to be good to use a sniper rifle... Huntsman can be luck or skill... Shoot an arrow
almost 15 years ago
Dead Ringer fix everything.
almost 15 years ago
You don't even need Bonk or a Über, just let one player take one for the team. Demo spawn only works because everyone rushes at the same time. Let one single person go out, explode, and the rest follow to kick the demo's ass. Against the SR, though, it may be a bit tricky, but it's workable.
almost 15 years ago
Same with Engi's, building the damn gun in front of it! lucky for one to be a spy and hack it
almost 15 years ago
public server + demo + CTF_Turbine = good times
almost 15 years ago
...How is the scout describing himself anyway? If you can't kill a scout you shouldn't be playing. Especially a post-bonk'd one. Minigun, Blutsauger, Explosives, Huntsman (yes this works), Annnnd just fancy gun work for them Engies. Spies shouldn't be fighting scouts anyway.
almost 15 years ago
In DoD people would use multiple computers to place bots blocking the door ways of a side.
Then the side they were actually playing could just walk through capping and win.
If you killed the blocker (only way to get past them)
they could choose to kill/blind/curse you.
But I quit that long ago.
almost 15 years ago
Was I the only one who got that the four classes are complaining about the demoman, but in truth are describing themselves?

Great comic, if only because no one got it.
almost 15 years ago
Scout: Bonk drink
Soldier: charge out *right after* detonation
Pyro: W+M2
Demoman: SR or same as Soldier with targe
Heavy: ... switch class?
Engie: Switch class
Medic: Get uber up (slow)
Sniper: switch if demoman isn't out front, otherwise headshot (stay inside)
Spy: DR
almost 15 years ago
I see the BLU demoman (with the pom-pom) gave up targe for sticky bomb since the last TF2 arc.
almost 15 years ago
be less bad. why'd you let a demo get to spawn anyway?

Never mind that all you need is one sacrificial goober (who doesn't even have to be sacrificial with all the ways to ignore damage in this game), and the rest of the team can stroll out before he gets the trap up again.
almost 15 years ago
so true is so true
almost 15 years ago
That Spy's face...

Anyway, spawn-camping is hardly allowed in other games. TF2 is no different.
almost 15 years ago
Dead Ringer Spy can fake out the Demo, Scout rushes in and 2-3 shots the Demo, possibly 1 if the Spy uncloaks quickly and gets a revolver shots in. What's the problem here?

Or Scout can Bonk right through it.
almost 15 years ago
Odd, those are Scottish Resistance stickies, yet the demo has the original sticky launcher...
Medic player
almost 15 years ago
Who wants to help me build an Uber charge and Uber rush this SCing jerk?
almost 15 years ago
So I almost always play spy. If I meet a demo in the field and starts shooting stickies at me... I JUST RUN UP RIGHT INTO THE FACE OF THAT MOFO AND FILL HIS UGLY CHEAP FACE IN WITH BULLETS.
It works surprisingly often, most seem to not realize they have TWO OTHER WEAPONS.
almost 15 years ago
It would be fine if they made the spawn doors open 2 foot earlier when you walk towards them. Then you could just shoot from the safety of your spawn.
almost 15 years ago
Pyro airblasting? Skip the M2, throw pipes.
DR Spys? Keep an ear out and have your pipes/bottle ready.
Multi-doors? 4 a/each door, or better yet go SR. etc, etc.
Door games? Quick thinking and good pipe/sticky control is key.
almost 15 years ago
It's sad that most Demos don't know the true art of the spawn camp. A pro SC'er would not fall for the below anti-SC methods once they have a cool head and basic Classic Demo experience.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26416]@ArmsAreLoud[/url]: "It's funny because most spawn campers think they're invincible, so a half-decent DR spy gets 'em every time. Doesn't keep sticky camping from being a pathetic excuse for a "strategy", though."
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26444]@Dt[/url]: If you're as angered as the Engie, would you be bothered about your typos? Cause technically, they're in-game.
almost 15 years ago
If there's a ton of people in there, you get one fool to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, then the rest of them rush the Demo.

It's so obvious people!
almost 15 years ago
My method? Dead Ringer. Sure I'll get damage, but what follows soon after is a single backstab.
almost 15 years ago
SUckers, I just use the airbalst and problem solved - I have no problem with dudes trying to play that on me.
I just kill them.
almost 15 years ago
"I don't play with spawncampers."

almost 15 years ago

A few servers I've played on listed among their server rules:
"Placing stickybombs on the spawn door is a bannable offense."
almost 15 years ago
Ah yes, and it's "YOU'RE", not YOUR.
almost 15 years ago
What about Pyro Airblast? It always help, also you can destroy HIS stickies with your stickies or scottish resistance.
almost 15 years ago
Which is why the game added items for more checks and balances to stop things like this.
almost 15 years ago
This kinda situation is often an issue when a spawn room has only one exit, or if there's only one spawn-room. Increase the number of spawns, and the number of exits from the spawn, and the problem becomes less of a problem.
almost 15 years ago
Ive experienced a match like this, except worse. Basically i came into a game and the entire enemy team was already waiting outside. An engineer with a sentry gun and a portal. A demo using that cheap "strategy." And the rest were just either soldiers, medics and whatnots. It was terrible.
almost 15 years ago
they rage about a demo but if a engi made it through they don't rage, why?
almost 15 years ago
sniper gun is behind door
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
1. spy's knive
2. Engie gloves
3.scouts bat
almost 15 years ago

If I could make a suggestion for accuracy, perhaps you could change the title of this comic to "Free Weekend".

I mean, it's not like you actually believe what the scout over there is saying, right?
Joe Dangerous
almost 15 years ago
Engi looks kinda tan today.
almost 15 years ago
There are so many ways around the classic one-man camp it's not even funny. Now you get two Resistance demos and an engineer? That's one-spawn impossible. Almost.
almost 15 years ago
It's funny because most spawn campers think they're invincible, so a half-decent DR spy gets 'em every time.

Doesn't keep sticky camping from being a pathetic excuse for a "strategy", though.
Dr. Obso1337
almost 15 years ago
All of these problems can be solved with uber and more gun.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
scout + bonk ftw

Seriously though if the team is bad enough to let the demo get that close they kinda deserve it.
almost 15 years ago
Scout uses Bonk to get out of the door, demo hits Mouse2 on impulse, no one dies, rest of team follows while scout is batting demo.
Pretty effective.
almost 15 years ago
Today's comic is kinda bleh, Jo. You off today?
almost 15 years ago
This is so me
almost 15 years ago
Your lucky most of your campers uses the original sticky launcher. In my servers they uses the SCO-RES ten times more annoying with more butthurt and rape.
mr flibbles
almost 15 years ago
"Uh-Oh! Do I smell soiled diaper?!"

Stickying doors, (spawn or otherwise) is a perfectly viable, intended strategy. It's also easily countered.

The majority of official maps, (and decent customs) have multiple spawn exits. The exceptions being on later stages of AD maps or forward spawns
Spy Here
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26390]@fuu[/url]: Pyro steps back after getting near the door... Either the demo detonates quickly, giving the pyro a chance to fake him out, or the pyro gets a chance to airblast.
almost 15 years ago
"It's cheap and nobody like dying that way"

Oh Sniper, you and your bad grammar. How we love you so.
almost 15 years ago
how many of the classes can trap you in a room far away from the objective, though?
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26389]@SFLegend[/url] 1: pyro opens gate 2: demo presses mouse2 just after that 3: ? 4: Profit!
almost 15 years ago
1: Switch to pyro
2: Compression blast
3: ?
4: Profit
almost 15 years ago
Waiting you to correct grammar
almost 15 years ago
U mad?
almost 15 years ago
I do love the writing in this strip though. That's some damn good irony.
almost 15 years ago
a good point made there Jo, i was verry happy when the targe and sword first came out cause everyone was using those instead of that eff'n annoying cheap @#&*@# sticky lancher.