What people are saying about "The M files"
The M files
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over 13 years ago
i don't see why mario is better than sonic. can anyone explain?
over 14 years ago
looks like peach and mario were playing dress up LOL
almost 15 years ago
It aint Dawn of Ruin, its Days of Ruin... >.>
almost 15 years ago
It's all-a big mistake.
I was so sick of having to rescue the Princess from that mean old Bowser that I was trying to teach her what to do the next time he comes to abduct her.
Here I'm showing her what not to do via roleplay.
almost 15 years ago
Hilariously enough, there's an ad to the left of me with both Sonic and Mario on it.
almost 15 years ago
Eu perdoo o Mario sabe... afinal ele foi criado lá no japão, acredito que isso não seja considerado anormal lá, tem coisa muito pior XD

almost 15 years ago
@HAHA: ...he was pretending?
almost 15 years ago
I hate to admit it, but...I'd probably still do it with Peach.

She'd have to keep the Bowser outfit on though. No, no...Not the head part.
almost 15 years ago
Hope you feel better Jo. Dental surgery is never fun.
almost 15 years ago
Ain't it the other way around? Mario found Sonic sodomizing Tails so now Sonic has to take a backseat for Mario to shine?
The Guy who Played this Game
almost 15 years ago
Bowser ate Peach and he was laughing at Mario dressing like Peach and Peach was able to see out his mouth, until he ate her again then turned her into crap.
almost 15 years ago
Jeylous much?
almost 15 years ago
Hey everybody, I'm looking at gay porno!
almost 15 years ago
I guess halfway through Bowser comes in dressed like mario and kicks the crap out of peach?
almost 15 years ago
Sonic's not good.
Just sayin'
almost 15 years ago
Jo can't draw a good Tails or Sonic. :U
almost 15 years ago
no one told mario about the last time someone wore drag in the mushroom kingdom.
almost 15 years ago
@The joke: HAHAHA! I get it! That's so funny! You're pretending to be an idiot!
almost 15 years ago
I present to you, the Engineer update:

The joke
almost 15 years ago
Where is it?
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
I guess since Mario ALWAYS had to save Peach, he secretly wanted to be the damsel in distress.
almost 15 years ago
I think we have a speed-hacking spy situation here...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26622]@Konata[/url] /a/, wth are you doing here? and no, please don't add that guy who "I can be Yuki for you"
almost 15 years ago
I'm trying to imagine this as a better comic
it just ain't happening
Some random guy
almost 15 years ago
mario that's princess moria from Mari kingdom if it was mario you see an M on his hat.
the real reason why mario lets sonic in his games is that picture is enough proof to arrest bowser for eating other princesses than just kidnapping them.
An Evil Penguin
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_26632]@Mujaki[/url] Ah but they didn't scream mine whilst doing so!
almost 15 years ago
extracting a tooth sucks. take care of that.
almost 15 years ago
Sorry, Modge, but it looks like you lose your bet. Somebody claimed the hat in panel two.
almost 15 years ago
So jo, got your eye on Lead and Gold coming soon on steam? i sure have...
almost 15 years ago
I can bet none of the photo-noters are willing to put "MINE!" at any point in this comic...
almost 15 years ago
both sonic and mario are losers and stupid
megaman is where it's at
almost 15 years ago
Well I never.
almost 15 years ago
We can still pretend I'm Konata~~ :3
almost 15 years ago
well that explained the bioshock+dentist comic
almost 15 years ago
"...but now we all play together HAS old friends..."
almost 15 years ago
Mario likes crossplay :B
almost 15 years ago
Sonic (and crew) were included in the later Mario games because of the blackmail material he gathered in the last frame--Mario dressed up as Peach and Peach dressed up as Bowser. Kinky stuff.
almost 15 years ago
I didn't get it.