Comic aside, from what I can feel cheating is on an all-time high on games right now. As far as I know, the best paid cheats out there work, or at least work long enough for people to keep using them.
So the options now are either more heavy handed anti-cheat solutions or accept you'll meet hackers on your game. Personally, it's a necessary evil I'd be willing to accept... assuming I had some degree of trust on the company releasing it.
I don't exactly trust Riot and it's mommy Tencent to handle a software who scans my computer. If was a different company, perhaps, but not Riot.
The solution for me at least is just to avoid those kind of games, specially if it's Free 2 Play. I think CS:GO got the best solution with their prime service or whatever is called. When you add a cost to losing your account less players will risk it.