What people are saying about "Sewer Engineers"
Sewer Engineers
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almost 5 years ago
Plot Twist: Morgan just wanted Angie to fix their plumbing.
almost 5 years ago
skip the hydro and use ion and atmo. You'll be able to get more out of it since you dont have to use hydro tanks on the ship and that will let you build more with the saved space.
almost 5 years ago
Well, in the Kelvin-verse Constitution class ships were built on Earth.
almost 5 years ago
You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. I wonder what a good Sewer Engineer game would be. PlayWay is making Mechanics about nearly anything, who knows.
almost 5 years ago
@Ian Urion just make sure you're not landing on ice
almost 5 years ago
C'mon man,everyone knows only the Voyager-sized ships were able to make planetfall.
almost 5 years ago
I have fun building modules to land big ships on planets.
But usually just place big hydrogen thrusters and sayonara...