What people are saying about "Expiration Date"
Expiration Date
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over 4 years ago
Soylant green?
over 4 years ago
Oh, it's Victoire. Nevermind then. Seems like it's my memory that is treacherous. (Can't edit my previous message for some reasons...)

My point on Alex is valid though.
over 4 years ago
Your memory is treacherous, Jo. It should be Alex instead of Anne-Marie : we saw the latter in that "corporate" Cyberpunk panel, but not Alex ! Plus, it would be fitting since Alex often takes care of Maggie. (And the fact you don't like to draw her because, I quote, "She's hard to draw")
over 4 years ago
They must go now. Their planet needs them!

They died on the way back to their home planet.
over 4 years ago
Pyro and the gang are dust now. Reduced to atoms.
over 4 years ago
Well, zombies were hot in games 15 years ago, but what the hell.
over 4 years ago
I think you still can make a hat stealer kid stealing Hat Kid's hats joke.
over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
That hat stealer reminds me about what to do when a yogurt jug is like "well, it's almost empty but I think I can squeeze a lil bit".

Oh! My yogurt jug from March! Damn!
over 4 years ago
Not sure why it matters. It's not like this comic has a real story going on.
over 4 years ago
Really cruel, Jo.

And thanks for the Green Lantern reference xD
over 4 years ago
gee, if they look like that, i wonder what Pyro and gang look like by now
over 4 years ago
Uh oh, women in refridgerators trope??? The Mary Sue is going to write a scathing article on you!
over 4 years ago
Wow. That went dark out of nowhere. 0.0
over 4 years ago
"And what was the real lesson? 'Don't leave things in the fridge.'"