What people are saying about "Anatomy"
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over 4 years ago
I thought you were a tentacle?
over 4 years ago
Angie's finger got all the same length, lol.
over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Is the next comic Angie showing that she can do the same trick? THAT would be a Halloween comic worth remembering!
over 4 years ago
@Beastwolf I think the hat is on the floor now.
over 4 years ago
I had trouble posting comments for a long time and now I see I can do it again! Now, what should my first post back be? Ah, I know:


(I apologize if that reaction makes you feel self-conscious about your body, Jo.)
over 4 years ago
Weird that you practically raised Angie and she has never seen your teeth...or maybe she has, and every time she does, her brain blocks that memory.
over 4 years ago
Is that an eye stalk, or a tongue with eyes? Can Joe taste his eyes? Does he ever accidently bite his own eye? So many questions I don't want the answers to!
over 4 years ago
Surprised this was put up before Halloween - nothing tops the horror list like body horror lol
over 4 years ago
Yeah I find it weird about peoples reactions to the expansion, they seem to like Olgierd, and dislike Gaunter o'Dimm. I'm the other way round. I think Olgierd is a dick, and Gaunter, well, he's also a dick, but seems more 'my' kind of dick. He seems less a devil and more a force of karmic vengeance
over 4 years ago
Huh...Well that happened. Lets get into it. *Squiddlybopdoowhop!* -explosion-
over 4 years ago
Which side is the hat on?
over 4 years ago
<yet another generic Among Us comment here>
over 4 years ago
Also, it could be argued his fall is reasonable, given his situation. Baldur in God of War went through a similar thing. While their respective crimes are awful, their reasoning behind them makes sense, and it's difficult to place the blame solely on them, and not also Master Mirror/Freya.
over 4 years ago
Mostly because Olgierd's "punishment" was too harsh for his crimes. In a world where a simple death sentence is considered too harsh for a murderer, it's unsurprising people would consider something far worse than that to be unacceptable.
over 4 years ago
Awww, you done gone and made me proud, TentaJo.
over 4 years ago
I think you have been playing way too much Among Us... Now excuse me while i neuralyze myself to unsee this.

Heart of Stone had me thinking the exact same thing - why is everyone, mainly developers, ignore how bloody horrible Olgierd is, and push him getting happy end as "good" ending??
over 4 years ago
-Unsee Juice-

over 4 years ago
This picture makes me wish for the photo notes to be back
over 4 years ago
I like it.
over 4 years ago
Wait is Jo the same species as the alien bouncer/body guard from John Scalzi's The Android's Dream?
over 4 years ago
This is not something we needed to discover.
over 4 years ago

over 4 years ago
All this time, that's how he worked?
Those dark spots are just one-way transparent so the eyes can see out from the inside?
You're telling me the character representing you literally has ballsack eyes lmao
