What people are saying about "PS 5"
PS 5
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over 4 years ago
Basically a PC already
over 4 years ago
I dont want to own multiple consoles just to be entertained. I picked the largest library with the most use (Pc) and stuck to it. The closer consoles get to being PCs the less need there will be for consoles in the first place.
over 4 years ago
I fail to see how PC is cheaper. Because of Steam sales? Dude, consoles have been doing similar sales since PS3/360. I've gotten so many games for $5 each on consoles.
over 4 years ago
the first gen of ps2 also could be used as a linux workstation, until they locked the boot. I think the new gen of xbox is actually closer to PC than de ps5.
over 4 years ago
I still laugh remembering that guy that said "Consoles are better than PC because you just stick the cart/CD, turn it on, and play. You dont need HDDs, installation, downloads..." Oh, how the turns have tabled.
over 4 years ago
For me, the difference was always in games philosophy. PC tends to favor cerebral games, consoles stick to mindless platformers.
over 4 years ago
Meanwhile, the multi-platform overlords watch over them from space, wondering why would you even choose when you can just have them all.
over 4 years ago
It's not even about enabling any specific games. I first and foremost don't want anyone 'gatekeeping' who can or cannot make games. I doubt Dwarf Fortress would ever have been made if the PC game-world worked like the console one.
over 4 years ago
To me, a point I refuse to back down on is that releasing games should be easy. The point is to allow for small-scale, niche, indie games. Like, sometimes those less-than-2-hour 'art' games are pretty fun.
The problem is that it translates to 'I insist on enabling piracy at PC-scales'.
over 4 years ago
Until consoles can run high end graphic design software, and find butts in Turbo HD, PCs will be king.
over 4 years ago
I always valued PC higher because a PC stays relevant when it gets older, while a console becomes an overpriced plastic paper press once the new gen console gets released.
over 4 years ago
I'm just about to replace my PCs motherboard, CPU, ram and video card. That will cost slightly less than a PS5 and will exceed its specs. While games are best played for the system it is designed for, PCs are easier on the wallet. They last longer, upgrade cheaper, and games can be cheaper.
over 4 years ago
Top notch comic and rant today!
over 4 years ago
Sure, graphics and backwards compatibility is nice. Plug and play games, no drivers, etc. But the main draw for me is: frequent, huge discounts, lots of fun indies and MODS! All the mods, still having fun with stuff for oldschool Doom and Death Wish for Blood is the best thing I have played in years
over 4 years ago
I'm a late gamer and frequently play some of the 5-10 years old games in my backlog. That's not something you can do with a console.
Also I love modding and tweaking games.
over 4 years ago
Still, there's rumors about PS5 that the metamorphical balloon is not floating, but just being held up in air, contrary to the makers' claims
over 4 years ago
"High framerate"
Oh my dear, how far you have fallen - the peasants crawled out of the 30fps mud and now they are able to light fire in their new 60fps caves.
While we soar the skies with our 144fps wings!
over 4 years ago
"I am PC master race as well as a console peasant."
That is called a "bastard" in our elitist masterrace circles! Begone plebeian!

over 4 years ago
PS5 is only compatible with PS4 games, so in short, no, it's not backwards compatible, it's just a stronger PS4.
over 4 years ago
Well someone has never heard of Dreams by Media Molecule.
If that doesn't allow you to unleash and foster your inner artist, nothing will ;)

By the way, I am PC master race as well as a console peasant.
Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
over 4 years ago
PC will always be a superior race, for the simple reason that our platform allows you to indulge in activities other than "consume and play". You can't exactly learn how to be an artist on a console, unless you think that building stuff in Minecraft can be considered an art form.
over 4 years ago
(Disgruntled) No Playstation NOW for other countries though, especially not Aussies, so PC still wins in that, emulation and modding departments.