What people are saying about "Fanservice City"
Fanservice City
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about 4 years ago
Also, hypothetically, if one were to subscribe, would they also be able to see content from previous months?
over 4 years ago
I wanna see the earlier, lewder versions Jo, you knew what you were doing.
over 4 years ago
Eh, sometimes it's better to leave something to the imagination.
over 4 years ago
Sorry Jo, but I stopped subscribing to your Patreon after this "all previous rewards" tier kept giving me no access whatsoever to any previous rewards and I got tired of missing out every time Patreon kept failing to update or renew my subscription monthly. 10 bucks for scraps isn't worth it :c
over 4 years ago
My question is, can I see the original comic on the Patreon?
over 4 years ago
Level 100 is full blown Hentai
over 4 years ago
saving this...for reasons. Engieeeeee. <3
over 4 years ago
Joe tell the truth. LVL 51 is where the magic happens The girls are all wearing glasses causing nerd minds to blow and average males suddenly understand why Velma is hotter then Daphne.
over 4 years ago
*shakes head* Should have had Alek in panel 3 instead of panel 1. You blew it.
over 4 years ago
@Matt Snease, Anne is the premium/pay service, you won't see here because this comic is free.
over 4 years ago
I'm surprised Anne wasn't the Level 10 or 50. I guess this wasn't for payment.