What people are saying about "Unload"
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over 4 years ago
Last time this happened, it was Cookie Clicker.
Based on the bloodiness of the mess, you're in the Halloween season of it.
over 4 years ago
The Hoarder 3 : Wild loot.
over 4 years ago
Most people's cellars, closets and attics when they move.
over 4 years ago
@Beastwolf Nilfgaard is my favorite deck, because it's built on letting me pretty much keep drawing until I have my entire deck on hand thanks to all the spy cards and leader ability to pick cards from the enemy graveyard.
Naturally, this made facing the Skellige deck a pain in the ass...
over 4 years ago
Someone forgot the bottom of his sack had a Portable Hole in it?
over 4 years ago
Confirm online Gwent
over 4 years ago
Mario Golf?
over 4 years ago
Hah, I already knew you were playing that! cause you and me are the only ones on my friend list that are playing it at the moment
over 4 years ago
One of those house cleaning simulators?
over 4 years ago
It's Mass Effect isn't it?
over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
You're playing that old Sierra Online classic: The Three Dimensional Adventures of Diarrhea Bombay?
over 4 years ago
Uh... Sims?
over 4 years ago
Because of the comic, it reminds me of WoW... inventory is full
over 4 years ago
Any RPG in existence?
over 4 years ago
Clearly Jo is playing persona.
over 4 years ago
I had so much money after I decided to just look up what is used for crafting and what isn't.

And also after winning a bunch of gwent- Aside from random encounters gwent is a perpetual income source once you have all the spies.
over 4 years ago
Too vague. This could describe thousands of RPG's :P
over 4 years ago
This is pretty much me in my last playthrough. It physically hurt to sell all those hundreds of excess crafting mats even though I know I won't need them as I only care about crafting Witcher gear. I hope the enhanced edition will let you port over saved games so I can give New Game + a try...