What people are saying about "Pre-Launch Day"
Pre-Launch Day
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over 4 years ago
Oh... oh dear...
over 4 years ago
@Dustin, kinda ...Jo has broken the link, there doesnt exists page called"start" so it loops to end then
over 4 years ago
Wait, she's been frozen for that long? While naked?

...those nipples are probably harder than carbon at this point...
over 4 years ago
Is there a reason that the first button loops back to this comic?
over 4 years ago
Now I thought they wouldn't be buying the Steam version of Cheesecake in the future...
over 4 years ago
Maybe that engie is a spy! Marie confirmed!
over 4 years ago
@Fly0DB Or Robo-Angie Mk II with a simulated skin suit alla Terminator/Battlestar Galactica. SO Realdoll Angei confirmed?
over 4 years ago
@Gahdinn Kek: Robo-Angie Mk III, obviously.
over 4 years ago
Two appearances in a row of Angie cheesecake? What is this strip turning into?!
over 4 years ago
@Gahdinn Kek: I assume she either time-travelled, an alternate universe version of her took her place, or had herself cloned.
over 4 years ago
@Gahdinn Kek: I learned on the Nerf NOW!! Discord that this question was anticipated and there's an explanation for it coming up.
over 4 years ago
If Engie has been in cryo all this time, then who's been in the strip? Jo in a bodysuit?
over 4 years ago
Doesn't this mean that the cheese cake Angie from three strips ago is another robot?
over 4 years ago
@Andy_Willow This is the same group that made the Witcher series. I think they'll manage.
over 4 years ago
Should have added two months for the required patches they will need to make the game playable.
over 4 years ago
I'm worried its gonna end up like Duke Nukem Forever, which would be very bad. The company that makes the game also runs my favorite online storefront GOG. If they take a huge financial hit, because the game tanks, that could endanger the future of GOG.
over 4 years ago
Just wait for the disappointment when she hears it was delayed. Then again we may get more cheesecake when it really does release if she sticks herself back in the freezer.
over 4 years ago
While you're at it cryofreeze until cyberpunk's dlc gets released.
over 4 years ago
So, we getting fanservice every missed release for Cyberpunk 2077 or just this one shot?
over 4 years ago
Good for you that you get to play Cyberpunk 2077 tomorrow. I still have to wait until the end up december for Bravely Default II!
over 4 years ago
Now with less Cyberpunk 2077.

Wait, I'm sorry. Now with exactly the same amount of Cyberpunk 2077 as before. (None, since it still isn't released.)