What people are saying about "No Refunds"
No Refunds
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about 4 years ago
@Александр Дашенко They went out of their way to not let the press review the game on last gen systems. Purposefully. They KNEW the game was broken, and went for the Christmas cash anyway. They didn't buckle to pressure, they let Greed take the wheel, and damn the customers.
about 4 years ago
@Baron Q
CDPR isn't offering refunds themselves, they're letting Sony, MS, Steam ect handle it.
Problem is they never worked anything out with those stores, they just said "Get a refund if you don't like it" and left people to deal with Sony/MS/Steam's refund system.
about 4 years ago
@Shareazu I am of the opinion that people should always get what they want, without mercy or regrets.
about 4 years ago
@Александр Дашенко fans will always complain. They, as a company, however, need to know better, and not give in to the complaints if they feel like they can't deliver the proper product.
about 4 years ago
*Game is delayed to fix bugs*

*Game is released*
about 4 years ago
Isn't CD Projekt Red offering refunds to anyone over all platforms?

Or is this just a joke for the sake of sticking to a schedule?
about 4 years ago
I remember the days when 1.0 meant a stable, solid release with next to no bugs. You didn't release your game until the bugs were tamped down!
about 4 years ago
@Ian Urion : Games are supposed to WORK when they come out. Why did they even release the game for last gen consoles if they knew it wouldn't run? Oh yeah, cause they don't care about the game, just the sales.
about 4 years ago
Hades wasn't all that buggy on release, but that's because it spent almost two years in "Early Access", which is sorta the opposite of getting delayed and then pushed out.
about 4 years ago
See all that white on the ground? That isn't snow, that is the white knights trying to defend their buggy piece of crap from being refunded. The stupidity of blind fanboyism will never cease to amaze me.
about 4 years ago
Honestly, anyone who didn't see this coming got what they deserve. Games are traditionally buggy on release, and games that are pushed out and delayed doubly so. Getting mad about shit you knew you were gonna be mad about is so in vogue these days. XD
about 4 years ago
Bugs, flaws, and all, it's still a good game. It's not the second coming of Christ, like a lot of fanboys thought it would be... but it's still some great pie.
about 4 years ago
"Ho! Ho! Ho! And don't come back, or I'll sic the Ice Cream Bunny on you!"