What people are saying about "To Brazil"
To Brazil
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about 4 years ago
Brasil diz: "Nope"
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Don't worry, the woke crowd will still condemn you for bigotry for making fun of brazillians.
about 4 years ago
Rafael rises an excellent point! Where's the thicc at, Jo?!
about 4 years ago
Funny Fact, last year NATO-members send border reinforcements to the French-Brasilian border. To my own surprise this included Colombian NATO-Forces which trained EU forces in jungle warfare. What? Yes, I thought the same but Columbia has been a member of the NATO council for two years...???
about 4 years ago
Jo is brazilian, but none of his characters have a big butt. And Im wonder why Jo never made a strip about the Math Lady - who's brazilian.
about 4 years ago
For those who dont know:

In Brazil, Fake news about the vaccine say that if you take the vaccine will turn into an alligator. I'm not kidding.

about 4 years ago
You live in Brazil? How tiny is your office? Is Super Mario your heating engineer? Does everyone get cool chrome wings, or just the tired office workers?
about 4 years ago
What would the alligator be referring to? Weebl?
about 4 years ago
You really Shoulda put the hole a just that little bit further over to prevent her from escaping Brazil into Brazil.
about 4 years ago
Jane is a fan of All Might confirmed
about 4 years ago

Don't touch Brazil altar! -Darknest dungeon.
about 4 years ago
Does any one else wonder what pranks Jane's pulled??? Is there a series out there of Jane pulling pranks? Could her co-host be an Alligator, No better yet, Wally Gator!
about 4 years ago
What did you expect?
about 4 years ago
So it's like being in hell and getting sent to hell? How bad can Brazil be.
about 4 years ago
Add a 3rd panel with an alligator landing on top of Jane.
about 4 years ago
And we really didn't need to know how smooth down under Jo is...

Oh, nvm, I get it now. ;)
about 4 years ago
Awww, but now I want to see Jane as an alligator.
about 4 years ago
@Andy Willow there's a meme that person A threatens or condemns person B into going to Brazil. Since Jo is brazilian, sending one of his characters to Brazil just sends them to where they already are, since they are, in a way, an extension of him.
about 4 years ago
I don't get the joke...
Its not comedy penisballs, so It's beyond me.
about 4 years ago
Her ponytail is like 60% of her body weight. Have we see her with her hair fully down lately?
about 4 years ago
I wondered how you felt about this meme.
about 4 years ago
"Where exactly would i go, to DOUBLE HELL?!"
about 4 years ago
Nooooo not brazil nooo aaaaaaaaaaa........ .....aaaaaaaaaa
about 4 years ago
Being a alligator could be pretty cool actually
about 4 years ago
Damn, dude.
My condolences. No one deserves to suffer such faith.