What people are saying about "GG No Re Kthxbye"
GG No Re Kthxbye
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El Diablo
over 13 years ago
Oddly enough, I played one on SC and I ACTUALLY beat him. I have no clue how, well, back to spamming mah Marines and Goliaths.
about 14 years ago
This becomes more hilarious since I've seen a Korean competition where the winnner used eight SCVs and three Marines (This was SC1).
over 14 years ago
Shut the fuck up nexus. Your opinions are shit and i doubt you're korean because they actually have brains.
over 14 years ago
I'm korean but i hate Star Craft haha not all korean are. Well, not the one that live in korea that is haha.

Dawn of War II. That all.
over 14 years ago
to be fair, at least they pretend to be good sports.

vs cry moar l2p lol noob
over 14 years ago
Less about enjoyment and more about Bug finding, and alowing the higher rankers to figure out how certain aspects are more op then others and how to balence them. retail will bring custom games and a better matchmaking system, and they glorious thing called campain.
over 14 years ago
I was once paired with someone on my skill level, and then in a double battle my team mate was a platinum leagur who roflstomped both of our opponents while i struggled to fend off an attack. I can see where alot of the complaints come from but its due to the fact it's a beta.
over 14 years ago
I got the beta key a week or two ago through sign up. All of my matches were between the same 20 people who rushed me before i could make a defense or quit when i said "Im new, ill do my best just tell me what you need me to attempt." There was no chance to learn and i only won 2 matches because
Guardian Tempest
over 14 years ago
If I were to battle that Korean-level zealot, I'd admit my poor skills then use "modify the phase variance" to instantly Dark Templar-rush the enemy...unless if the opponent is Zerg.

BTW....great I forgot.
over 14 years ago
I dont think we play that well

over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27980]@KloHunt3r[/url] and Helarias I think it's just a different style of thinking/humor, because I got all these practically immediately. Since Nerfnow! originally started as a no-dialogue comic, part of the charm is not needing paragraphs of exposition to set up a joke.
over 14 years ago
I still can't get the melee matches in sc2. Maybe I should wait til its really out and just stick to campaigns, custom maps, and map making. =/
over 14 years ago
@Lazy DM V: Ahh, Alpha Centauri. Why is the combat system of all the Civilization games after AC so terrible? I could barely even play Civ 4 because the system was so awful. And no customizable units? Come on.

On an unrelated note, Protoss' Khala+Avatar.
over 14 years ago
Helarias said "you really need to work on how your set up your jokes."

I agree. Although, in this case it's a combination of ineffective writing and the fact that Starcraft is difficult to describe in comic format.
over 14 years ago
Kekeke, Zealots are the new Zerglings. :P
over 14 years ago
@OfficerCombine: I hope to GOD that this is the beginning to Law Abiding Enigineer 2!
Lazy DM V
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27949]@ArmsAreLoud[/url]: Aesthetically, I like SC. Gameplaywise, give me Alpha Centauri, Age of X or DoW anyday. The game will look awesome (though apparently unnecessarily be in 3d), have awesome movies and a good/decent storyline - it's Blizzard. Gameplaywise, though, it's Blizzard. Have fun guys! :)
Officer Combine
over 14 years ago
Crap...Zerg has imba larva right now, can zerg rush with 12 zerglings.

over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27923]@BowlerHatMan[/url]: Actually, unless they changed it with this patch, the system is optimized to simply get you into a match quickly. People in copper league have been fighting people in platinum league, and all sorts of other inter-league matches. They'll change this for the retail, obviously.
over 14 years ago
@Random Lurker: I think it's pretty clear the zealot symbolizes the beatdown the human player received from the archon, and it's the archon typing the gg.
Random Lurker
over 14 years ago
Are we sure that's what this comic means? When I saw it, it seemed to me that the Korean won with one click, and the guy on the other side just FELT like he got faceraped. So he types: GG NO RE KTHXBYE 'cause he knows he's not going to have any fun like this. What with the faceraping and all.
over 14 years ago
You really can't make a comic about this game that makes me interested in trying it, can you? Eh... I think I'll just stick with my turn-based games. Thinking time is fun time.
over 14 years ago
Solo zealot rush. Do not attempt.
over 14 years ago
They have CAMPS for training these guys. I'm dead serious.
over 14 years ago
@that one dude in the comments: I remember, but it turned out to be a Trans-demo apparently.
I just got my Beta, I am happy with it too, but now I'm getting a loop off the same update when I try to play now and then it shuts down. Any ideas why this is happening?
that one dude in the comments
over 14 years ago
Does anyone even remember the Demochan mini-arc anymore ? :p
over 14 years ago
Aaaaand that's why I'll probably never play SC online with Koreans.

Also, aren't Koreans now banned from playing certain games for six hours every day?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27911]@Chaos[/url]: You won't have to deal with the Platinum-league pros if you don't make it past Bronze-league ordinary people.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27911]@Chaos[/url]: I got into the beta yesterday thanks to a Gamestop preorder and I've been having a fairly good time in it as a casual player. The whole point of the league system is so that people will generally play against people with roughly the same level of skill.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27891]@Katana[/url]: The probe was trying to get an easy win with cheese, then went to cry on the forums when it didn't work. [url=#user_comment_27911] @Chaos[/url]: There's nothing stopping you but yourself.
over 14 years ago
It's true. All asian people really are glowing blue invincible beings who communicate through beating human at videogames. The ones you meet as you go about your day are just remote controlled robots. Also, WTB Engie and Probe-chan figures, plzkthx
over 14 years ago
I wish Starcraft wasn't so professional-oriented so casual RTS players like myself could actually enjoy it online.
over 14 years ago
fukken chinks
over 14 years ago
you really need to work on how your set up your jokes. to be honest, it took me too long to grasp what was so funny.

on another note, i think your drawing style is really nice :)
over 14 years ago
Scarily...possibly *not* as much of a joke as you might think, given the recent scandal about pro SC players and their ties to gambling syndicates...
Officer Combine
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27894]@Passerby[/url] If you play Terran, the normal way to hold off against Zealot rush is a couple marines and a wall in. That's the way the pros do it :D
over 14 years ago
I do love me some Starcraft.

And, facing a few zealots early enough in the game is almost certain death. Gotta build better D...
Officer Combine
over 14 years ago
This is actually the beginning of Law Abiding Engineer 2. How many sentries must one girl build to bring the protoss to justice?
over 14 years ago
Sorry, but you really need to start adding a bit more context to these things to make them semi-understandable. I couldn't even tell what happened with the "trap" person; for a second I thought their trap worked, and then they were annoyed that people were complaining on the forums.
Pope Joe
over 14 years ago
Let them rule their little world.
Lazy DM V
over 14 years ago
"GG" implies that it was.
over 14 years ago
@Dan B: With a single button press, the Korean gamer caused a Zealot to manifest in real life and murder his opponent's face off. He's simply THAT good.
over 14 years ago
Far as I can tell,the korean build a zealot in reality in order to murder him.
over 14 years ago
@Dan B: Jo got owned. :D
Dan B
over 14 years ago
I really don`t understand what`s happening in the last panel.
over 14 years ago
Match begins in three...


Troll NOW!!
over 14 years ago
And dats why I QQ
over 14 years ago
Obviously, he used some secret SCII means of turning his opponent's computer into a Pylon and warped that zealot/holycraphunter in to facerape him.
over 14 years ago
I don't know whether to be proud or incredibly ashamed about this--i am Korean, and no absolutely blow at SC
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_27866]@mjprim[/url]: I'm going to guess he lost since he's busy stabbing a family member to death with his psi blades.
over 14 years ago
Stupid protoss faceless korean, cant even tell if he won or lost...
Me or I, one of them
over 14 years ago
Do want engineer figure.