What people are saying about "Trial of The Gods"
Trial of The Gods
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about 4 years ago
Ares not workable? Huh, must be difference in play styles; Doom is my boon of choice; especially when you get the power that makes the damage stack from multiple hits.
about 4 years ago
Honestly, all the Greek gods and "heroes" are sociopathic monsters and the best approach when dealing with them is the Kratos approach.
about 4 years ago
Ares is maybe the BEST attack modifier for bows, since is basically fire and forget. I like Poseidon too, because you can push people away indefinitely.
about 4 years ago
This is a point of view I've not seen! I find Aphrodite's main boons fairly mediocre on their own (although there are some good duo combos), and she has some good support boons (like extra max HP early on). Ares, however, is reliably good. I've done 32 heat but no more room to discuss here!
about 4 years ago
To be fair Ares is technically more the god of blood lust while Athena is more the proper warfare; and funny enough Aphrodite (pre-Homer altering the Iliad when he wrote it down in a suspicious manner), was also a goddess of war, Aprhrodite Aria, she is Ishtar come to Greece after all.
about 4 years ago
My general thought on Ares' boons is he's got a few nice ones, but you have to basically build around his stuff to make it work. Everyone else is usually good as random piecemeal.
about 4 years ago
@SamuelMeasa TBF, Greek mythology would also tell teach you to avoid trouble (or interest) with Aphrodite. She is arguably one of the strongest and most terrible Gods in the Pantheon.
Also, you don't want to side against Aphrodite in a Trial of the Gods. Her attach is really hard to dodge and hurts
about 4 years ago
Funny because Hades is pracctically a tribute of Jojo.
about 4 years ago
I can't say any thing as I haven't played this game. On the other hand I can say this version of Aphrodite wouldn't interest me. Anime has taught me pink haired woman are trouble and to avoid them.
about 4 years ago
Ares boons are good... IF you can get the boon that makes Doom stack/skip ahead in its timer when you re-apply it, instead of restarting. Blade vortexes are also great for damage if you can get some extra power behind them.
about 4 years ago
Awesome comic strip - love Hades

For Ares I mostly like his cast boon (which creates a vortex) + the dual boon with Artemis that makes it follow elemies. If you upgrade vortex with extra damage or pull in enemies boons then you can cast them and stay away as enemies melt in the vortex
about 4 years ago
@GabeZhul I think the bow is pretty cool I think that the fists are worse, at least for me. I just can't make them work. They are the only weapon I wasn't able to take above 16 heat yet.
about 4 years ago
Ares is fine, but yes - I always side with Aphrodite in the two-god rooms. Aphrodite is not nice when she's angry.
about 4 years ago
I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Are's Cast upgrade. The whirling buzzsaws of death work well with Dionysus DoTs to shred things.
about 4 years ago
Yeah, Aphrodite is really frightening sometimes. A melee weapon boosted for speed by Hermes + Aphordite's melee + Aphrodite's legendary (chance of charm on weak) makes bosses just stand around helplessly while you kill them.
about 4 years ago
In THIS comic, the woman has her way with the tentacle.
about 4 years ago
@gabeZhul. Dou bounty from Ares and Athena. Ares attack, Athena special to get duo. And Athena dash to keep triggering doom

about 4 years ago
Honestly, Aphrodite’s attack is the hardest for me to avoid damage on anyways, so I always take hers in those rooms.
about 4 years ago
Oh, Ares is really OP, you just have to combo him with Athena so that you can instantly trigger doom and the reapply it for a constant stream of unblockable chip-damage while Athena's boons keep you alive. It's also funny that you focus on the bow, which is the worst weapon in the game by far...
about 4 years ago
Fucking love this strip, and I don't even play Hades
about 4 years ago
The thing about Ares is you have to build around his boons. He has one of the strongest builds out there tho!
about 4 years ago
Ah yes, the power of Simp. But seriously, her boon is really good.