What people are saying about "Onion Memes"
Onion Memes
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about 4 years ago
At this point I'm convinced that Araki has a certain stone mask.
about 4 years ago
Give him a chance.

about 4 years ago
Give him a chance.

about 4 years ago
Eh, best part is part 2 anyways.
about 4 years ago
@Sam Borup this series is over 30 years old, still ongoing and the author is immortal so chances are that the memes will outlive you.
about 4 years ago
Ugh, I long for the day this series and its awful memes finally die and fade into obscurity.
about 4 years ago
A "part 1 only" person? Holy Crap they exist
about 4 years ago
Ellis Warner and Andy Willow
I agree with both of you. The first two arcs are entertaining. But once they kill off the pillar men its meh. Stardust is okay if you can push past it, But you have to have a strong drive to get threw it.
My GF got me into the show and said I need to keep watching.
about 4 years ago
Ellis Warner
Agreed. Everything after Battle Tendency was exponentially worse. The series just kept getting more "anime weird" as it drug on. Plus Battle Tendency(and Phantom Blood) has the most banging end theme: Roundabout.
about 4 years ago
Honestly, Stardust Crusaders is fucking boring. The Pillarmen are peak Jojo. I'm forcing myself through Jotaro but it's not great, hopefully it gets better later.
about 4 years ago
Never watched/read anything about Jojo, but this was still genuinely entertaining.

The FABULOUS Custodies from If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device were apparently based off it though, so does that count?
about 4 years ago
I really should read this, but recently every time I look at the artwork all I can think is "it is Jojo's Homoerotic Adventure."
about 4 years ago
its a source of weirdness and memes, you should see the colorized version of the manga
about 4 years ago
I barely follow the memes, and that's still funny.
about 4 years ago
I'm FINE with this.
about 4 years ago
The most overused JoJo joke, and I still laughed. God damn it.
about 4 years ago
Haman Energy for the win. Stands can bite it.
about 4 years ago
'Tis not Joseph Joestar but Kujo Jotaro
about 4 years ago
At first you go "Oh man, he confused Jotaro with Joseph"

But then, big brain, he managed to make a Part 4 reference without realizing it.