What people are saying about "Heavyweights"
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about 4 years ago
Let them fight!
about 4 years ago
@Andy Willow It's because the entire universe was destroyed at the end of Galaxy 1 & a new universe got rebuilt. Bowser & Jr. are from the old universe while the current Koopalings are new universe & thus not directly connected anymore.

Hey, it's more of an explanation than Nintendo gives.
about 4 years ago
How about both?
about 4 years ago
And this is further evidence that Hollywood is either out of ideas or under Chinese control.
about 4 years ago
I'd love to see a modern Shadowrun that's similar in play mechanics to the SNES version, but a 3d shooter like Cyberpunk 2077.
about 4 years ago
Not sure if Jo is a little late to the party with this. I've seen some Reddit pages who have been hyping this battle since Sunday.
I was off line Saturday and I'm sure thats still a day late to the reddit party.
about 4 years ago
Yes, You think AMC is going to go under just because of a world wide plague?
about 4 years ago
Wait. Movie theaters still exist?
about 4 years ago
All this reminds me of, is that they retconned ALL of the Bowsers kids into mere groupies and made Bowser Jr, the sole offspring.
about 4 years ago
Battle of the Remixes!
For Bowser Jr.: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02749
For Diddy Kong: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02107