What people are saying about "Neighbors"
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almost 4 years ago
Doomguy wants to know that Vikings location
about 4 years ago
Oh that poor viking decided to challenge a character with a Smash invite. So he has a bow, and a sword. Good. Bombs? No. Hookshot? No. Glider? No. Final Smash? This is not going to go well for the viking.
about 4 years ago
Doom Guy Revenge in 3..2...1...
about 4 years ago
I expect Marie to call in some assistance, Doom Guy.
about 4 years ago
A wolf and a boar were headed right at him, of course they got shot!
about 4 years ago
I mean, she's gonna grab him with her fishing rod and then have Mayor plant a tree on his head. I think she'll be fine.
about 4 years ago
Oh, just wait until Isabelle's bestie, the Slayer hears about this...
about 4 years ago
He is about to face a danger bigger than the Deathsquito.
about 4 years ago
I get the feeling this will only trigger her "Rip & Tear" mode...
about 4 years ago
If crossover continuities are a thing, then Isabelle will probably call on her best buddy, the Doom Slayer

(From this music video)
about 4 years ago
Little did he know that she have plenty of experience fighting dragons, aliens, monsters and robots.
about 4 years ago
He thought it was safe to kill Isabelle last? Doom slayer is probably already behind him making happy shotgun noises
about 4 years ago
Not quite as much fun as the doom cross over - but about as bloody lol

Queue the next page where Isabelle beats the shit out of that little turd and proceeds to ravage the country side -snort-