What people are saying about "Slacker"
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about 4 years ago
@Chris Sizemore Well... not anymore, there isn't.
about 4 years ago
My GF's daughter wants to be a cam girl/gamer like Anne. I can't blame her, after having the last year off from school and being online all the time. I wish I could make money that way but I prefer to work for a living.
about 4 years ago
I'm amazed they aren't calling her a boomer, to be honest.
about 4 years ago
Really she's got an issue of "Pizza and Fucking Monthly" hidden behind that cover.
about 4 years ago
Imagine being a scientist or lawyer when you could be an e-thot with an onlyfans.
about 4 years ago
Artifact programmer? There is a career in making graphic glitches that do weird display errors?