What people are saying about "Morganuki"
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about 4 years ago
@Ruben Hefer Heymans, Pocky and Rocky, Jo linked (and refrenced) it last strip! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbGGQVvmg0k
about 4 years ago
What game does this reference to?
about 4 years ago
Dear Jo, I request a comic about Friday Night Funkin'!
about 4 years ago
Actually more like 30 years ago.
about 4 years ago
I tried playing the 2nd one again. That "tutorial level" at the start is harder than it has any right to be. Good ol' 90's gameplay.rite?...
about 4 years ago
Embarrassed Morgan is adorable.
about 4 years ago
There's really nothing like seeing Morgan in skimpy clothing. She's so cute.
about 4 years ago
@Samuel Measa
We want ALL of them to be the one in the bikini outfit with a tail and cute ears.
about 4 years ago
Well that's tough shit, chocolate raccoon girl! Get to throwing dumb projectiles!
about 4 years ago
huh it has been long enough we can do long do claim tags... oh well

I'm will to bet that if it was a normal Bikini bottom, Morgan would be less mortified. till judging by her expression, i think it look more like a thong or a tiny string bikini bottom.
about 4 years ago
Face it. Really we want Angie to be the one in the bikini outfit with a tail and cute ears.
about 4 years ago
@Emtu IKR?
One of the few times she's given a likeable and flattering guise and she still rejects it. Morgan is such a prudish killjoy :/
I feel like it's only a matter of time until she (d)evolves into a purely salt-fueled retro gamer unable to find joy in anything lol.
about 4 years ago
If only their camera positions had been reversed...
about 4 years ago
Why sorry, that/those game(s) were awsome. I'm bit hype for the new release.
about 4 years ago
Apology for what?
about 4 years ago
Joke’s on her, miko is also a fetish. (Sort of like nun fetish)
about 4 years ago
But Morganuki is cute!