What people are saying about "Blizzcon"
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over 3 years ago
It is Activision. And Kotick must go. I have watched this man vacuum millions out of the industry, voraciously devour better developers' IP only to degrade the quality, and underpay his developers for a decade and a half now.
over 3 years ago
Activision would try hard to retain people in management positions, with the thought that those people were vital to continued success. That leads to management trying to shield bad managers because they are viewed as profit makers and vital.
over 3 years ago
When Blizzard was bought out, the company started to decay. Blizzards top officials and talents slowly left the company. Activision made the major decisions, and were afraid to rock the boat because WoW was making tons of money and as WoW declined, Overwatch took its place.
over 3 years ago
Ever since Activision bought Blizzard and taken control of it the company has become an inferno of failures, complaints, and bad decisions.
over 3 years ago
Notice how it says "report" and not "incident".
over 3 years ago
@Darth Honestly, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard restructures everything around the release of Overwatch 2.
over 3 years ago
The newest HS mini-expansion is pirate-themed. Feels weirdly appropriate.
over 3 years ago
Inb4 total rebranding of the entire company.
over 3 years ago
Like Anne I hadn't played WOW in a few years due to my PC melting down when I tried to run the game in certain aria's.
In relation to its Harassment issues. I'm reminded of the Arch talking about Paradox hiring SJW's to be culture compliant. And suddenly the old staff is full perverts.
over 3 years ago
So a little story about WoW. World of Warcraft was humongously influenced by an older MMO named Everquest. The studio that made Everquest use to have a yearly convention. Like WoW, Blizzard copied the convention as well, and they rolled all of their other projects into it.