What people are saying about "Alpha Pokemon"
Alpha Pokemon
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over 2 years ago
I never liked Pikachu (Eevee makes so much more sense as a mascot!!) but I have nothing but sympathy for Mimikyu. A very good pokemon who deserves all the happiness.
over 2 years ago
I'd rather have the "Kinda Fit, Kinda Fat" brand Pizzachew. Its a Pikachu with a giant pizza slice where the tail is.
Was introduced to it by Mishamai Michelle.
over 2 years ago
This is the pokemon game that the anime always made it feel like. While Legends does feel a little empty, the idea of just wandering around aimlessly exploring and seeing what critters are over there is the best version of the world to date. I hope they iterate on this more in the future!
over 2 years ago
Also... maybe consider using CSS+JS to provide horizontal OR vertical, by user preference, unless the layout matters for the storytelling or the joke. (Yes, this means multiple image files per strip.)
over 2 years ago
I still don't like the vertical comic layout, both on desktop and phone. Part of it is the site layout; it's basically designed for 4:3 desktop. The layout needs to be redone.