What people are saying about "Best Value"
Best Value
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over 1 year ago
Well... what do you know. Jo, you got it almost correct! You can actually buy additional fatalities by DLC...
over 1 year ago
Why buy overpriced cosmetic stuff when mods exist? Unless it is an inline game and you want to show off your character but stuff only the player see mods often do a better job than official content.
over 1 year ago
I give the modding community less then a week to find a work around that lets them have those for free. First they need to work on those nude skins for female characters.
over 1 year ago
@Семен Холоднов Probably why devs and publishers don't call it that anymore and haven't for YEARS. They now call it "in-game purchases". So they are aware that they aren't microtransactions anymore and hence went with a more suitable term.
over 1 year ago
@Chris Sizemore - Sure, but Bethesda was only charging $5 for it. Seems less egregious in hindsight at the $65 pricetag Blizz tacked on
over 1 year ago
They only get away with it, because people go along with it.
over 1 year ago
"Microtransaction"? Microtransaction is less than $1 — that's why it's a special term, because charging less than $1 used to be impossible until they figured it out. But $10 is not a microtransaction. It's just a transaction.
over 1 year ago
Bethsda did horse armor DLC first! Classic Blizzard, copy someone else's homework instead of doing something new.
over 1 year ago
Coud be worse. Blizzard just released a $65 horse armor microtransaction